T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

@zman0101 Yea at 3-4 months we dont normally have the tv on because he gets super distracted and stares at it, but we do allow 15 minutes of him with me watching hockey every few days šŸ˜
@zman0101 Haha well I love hockey so itā€™s always on, so I donā€™t mind giving him a little tv time with it so maybe he grows up loving it! Obviously he has no idea whats going on but he seems interested! (But iā€™m sure if it was a picture of a tree he would stare at is just as much lol)
@hove131 We also don't allow TV unless there is a football (soccer) match on and she can watch with dad. Due to the time they play, it really doesn't happen often (I think she's 'watched' two or three soccer games since she's born). She loses interest after about 10 minutes and starts playing with her toys instead, lol, but doing it for the same reason - maybe she'll grow up to enjoy it and it can be her and dad's thing.

And yes, she will also stare at whatever is on the TV, even if it is just text, lol, which is why we've opted to just keeping it off.
@outofplace_christian LOL. That makes me feel a little better lol! Our girl doesnā€™t do that, but she will veer off when eating or when Iā€™m talking to her and look at the screen and so I turn the tv offā€¦ but then itā€™s so quiet lol. And itā€™s just her and I in the houseā€¦
@zman0101 All things in moderation.

I have a 9 month old. The tv is on like 80% of the time. Rarely is it for her (maybe a few hours over the course of her life) and she rarely pays attention.

Iā€™m not worried about ruining her with tv. Itā€™s on but weā€™re playing with her and engaging.
@zman0101 TV is over-stimulating for them. At 3 months, their vision still isnā€™t great at all so they likely canā€™t even see the tv clearly. It affects their sleep and doesnā€™t provide much benefit
@zman0101 Hubby and I have headphones to watch a little something on our phones when kiddo is asleep. She contact naps and weā€™re trapped anyways so might as well get some entertainment. If we watch Netflix on the big tv itā€™s muted so she doesnā€™t wake up. When sheā€™s up that tv is off immediately.
@zman0101 We watched Tv and movies for maybe the first 2-3 months after our son was born. Weā€™d keep it quest and we would make sure he wasnā€™t looking at it. It wasnā€™t until he started realizing it was there and wanted to see it that we started to keep it off.

Pro tip: turn on some nice music if you need some noise in the background. We purchased a Tonies Box and a bunch of stories and our son likes to listen to them, especially ā€œRemember Meā€ from the Coco story.
@zman0101 I think the sounds and images emitted from TV are overstimulating and unnatural for a newborn. They are incredibly open and spongyā€” they donā€™t need any special ā€œeducationā€ or entertainmentā€¦ natural quiet life is hugely stimulating for them: a play of shadows from a curtain flowing in the breeze, a simple ball rolling near them, the way of a dogā€™s tail, the soft voice of a caregiver giving them careful attention, all this is all the stimulation a young baby needs. Tv is harmful in my opinion. I also come from the Waldorf and RIE backgrounds which have strong opinions on these matters. Family culture values always have to be arranged on a case to case basis.
@zman0101 Itā€™s not bad. Think about how many of us actually grew up watching tv on occasion and all of a sudden were fearing the mere proximity to one
@loreec Thatā€™s how I feel too.. I am not messed up, and my
Mom did a wonderful job with us. I know it canā€™t be all the timeā€¦ but we always have the tv on just for noise.

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