My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

@st831 Ok!! I think it’s only some brands? I have some really nice ones and I think some of the other ones I have are a bit cheaper (from Amazon). So I’ll look into the specific brands and see if it’s possible to do it with them. Thank you!
@john_h It's not necessarily brand specific - there are covers, and then there are pockets. Pockets, as the name suggests, have a pocket in which to put and insert (some folks use prefolds inside too). Covers do not have a lining and are made to use multiple times. You cannot use a pocket like a cover (ie: multiple times), because it will get pee on the liner which will wick and get pee on the whole liner and potentially cause rashes.
@carrie4 Do you mean having inserts both inside and outside the pocket? Sure, why not? Do what you think will work and if your babe gets a rash or leaks, try something else. It sounds frustrating, but I really like the process 🤷🏻‍♀️
@vivalafleur Ok I’m looking more into this! I guess I didn’t realize there were more than just pocket cloth diapers!!! I have a lot to learn. Thanks. I’ll keep learning more about it.
@john_h Mine too, I find them more convenient (especially because my little guy is a wiggly worm and I only have .4 seconds to slap a diaper on him before he squirms away). I have 2 covers that I use for overnight diapers, because I found pockets didn't have enough space for the amount of stuffing I needed to do 😓
@vivalafleur I too have noticed leaking at night at times. I use my Charlie Banana insert (Target) with a thin hemp insert I got off amazon. That’s been working for us.
@bittergreen You've made me realize that I don't have nearly enough small size diapers if I have any hope of succeeding with full time cloth from newborn stage! I've got about a month to fix that. Thank you 🙂
@dwhitecar You could do with less, if you really have to. We made it work with 3 newborn covers and about 24 inserts. We washed every other day (but probably more like every day and a half), and did a lot of hand washing the covers. We swapped her up to one size as early as possible, a few weeks in. If I were to do it again, I would get a few more before covers, and do prefolds instead of microfiber from jump. But it worked! We've been 100% cloth since birth. 6.5 months now.
@defd2000 Thank you! I have 4 NB covers (I'm fine with hand washing), 5 workhorse, ~12 prefolds, and 18 flats. I started with the flats thinking that would last birth-potty training, but they look way too big for a newborn.
@dwhitecar Honestly, our microfiber inserts were the best in those early days. My baby HATED being naked for even a moment as a newborn (to be fair, it was January), so anything to make it quicker was better. I still would maybe consider more covers, although if you're moving up to one size pretty quickly or are fine with part-time disposables, you might be able to swing it, and, like I said, you can make it work. It was stressful early on, though, especially when I was in pain from birth and figuring out breastfeeding and not sleeping. It got so much better after a few weeks!
@defd2000 Thank you for the advice and tips! I've read here that a lot of people don't like microfiber so I had avoided that. Maybe I'll look into it, at least for when she's small and not peeing a lot at once.
@dwhitecar Yeah, that was the only time it was useful for us! We haven't used our microfiber in many months by this point! I wouldn't necessarily invest. But the extra covers would perhaps have been worth it! Just something to consider!
@bittergreen You're killing it mama. I'm planning to start cloth diapering my soon to be 3-month old. Just waiting for my stash to be delivered. I'm researching as much as I can and hope I love it once I start.