Newborn has trouble sleeping in bassinet so we tried bedsharing last night and it worked but we're still worried

  1. we tried all the things with his bassinet and crib even sidecar to my bed but nothing worked
  2. sleep safe 7! fwiw, i started when he was about a week old
  3. he’s 5.5 months now and he lets me know when he wants to sleep by himself! he only needs more comfort when he’s teething or sick. some babies take longer but they all do it at their own pace!
@selja Put a shirt that you wore in the bassinet

As long as you set rules and boundaries and stick to them it shouldn’t be an issue. My son’s 5 we’ve been cosleeping nearly his whole live. When mom says get in your bed she means it lol
@selja If you are uncomfortable cosleeping, can't recommend the Guava travel crib highly enough. It unzips on the side and lies flat on the floor so you can just lie down and put a hand on baby or side lie nurse into a deep sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep with my boob in there and then go back to my own bed when I wake up. The Arms Reach cosleeper is another option to keep hand on baby

Best safe sleep tips on IG at Cosleepy
@selja We use an owlet and a Pico breathing monitor at night in addition to the safe sleep 7. This helped mitigate some of the risk for us. In saying that people will recommend against the owlet of you're prone to health anxiety. I'm a paeds RN so I'm comfortable with how I use it.