What to do with newborn?


New member
I have a 20 month old and a 13 day old.. currently on maternity leave and my toddler is continuing to go to daycare during the day to keep his sense of normal but.. what do I do with the 13 day old?

He is starting to have wake windows now, and I just have 0 memory of what I did during the wake windows when my first one was this age. I feel bad that he just lays there on his playmat or in his swing but.. idk what else to do to entertain him 🥲

What are y’all doing or suggest to do during the short newborn wake windows between the feed and their next nap?
@shaneperks Ohhh the smell. My toddler still smells good to me but it’s a very sweaty musty smell from all the running she does. Definitely no more baby smell :(
@haley12 That’s mainly what I’ve been doing 😅 it’s so nice to snuggle someone that doesn’t push my head away and tells me “no” like my toddler does
@unitechrist We just cuddled him and walked him around the house. We would show him the pets and his room and tell him about everything. I started reading to him when we were just sitting on the couch. It was fun to revisit some of the same books and stories from when I was a kid.
@unitechrist None of my 3 kids have been comfortable in a baby bjørn at that age. The way it forces their feet down usually made them really unhappy. I switched to using a wrap from ergobaby for the first 6 months as is was way more comfortable for both me and the babies.
@unitechrist Relaxxxxx. Tummy time if he’ll tolerate it. But snuggle and relax! I watched a lot of TV and played Xbox with my youngest in my arms in the first couple months 🥰 13dpp I was probably still trying to master getting around on my own after a c section lol
@unitechrist Tummy time, talking to them, taking them on a little walk in a carrier. After a few weeks you can start showing them a few high contrast images, make them feel different textures with their hands. Plenty of snuggles is great too!