What’s for Christmas, y’all?


New member
For those who celebrate, I’d love to know what you’re getting your kiddos and sharing ideas. Our 15 month old is really into taking stuff out of cupboards and bringing them to us. Might get him a play kitchen but I’m not sure if it’s too advanced.

What about you- what are you getting/making/doing for your kids?
@pnao All the gifts he got for his first birthday that were too old for him are getting wrapped. This is gonna be the last year I can get away with that so I'm doing it lol.
@expertofsound My daughter and her friend share a November birthday. Her friend received waaayyyy too many gifts that she lost interest in opening them (she turned 3). So they’re just saving the ones she didn’t open for Christmas.
@pnao I’m getting my little guy a kitchen helping tower that converts into a table/stool. When I’m cooking, it’s miserable with him yelling at me to pick him up. I always end up putting on Ms Rachel so I can cook in peace, but I’d much rather him help out. So I’m excited for that.

Other than that, we are getting magnatiles, a Yoto mini, a playskool doll, a little people set - maybe a house or the camper is cute, and some books.
@danisaurus I have this one. I like that it folds up when not in use, and a smaller kid can't fall out of it backwards. When my first got bigger we removed the mesh so he could climb in and out by himself.