What’s for Christmas, y’all?

@pnao Get the play kitchen!! It’s an investment piece and he will love it long term.

We got my daughter her play kitchen around 14 months :) She is 23 months now and still plays with it daily!
@edenlife Second this! We got a play kitchen way too early - for her first birthday - but it’s one of her favorite things. She just takes stuff in and out of the little cabinets instead of play cooking, but she has a great time.
@staz2648 Omg once you’ve got them you totally need to stage them from time to time like they’re alive and did something fun while she was sleeping haha. Sounds like she’ll have so much fun!
@bioethicsdoc I got one last year with a remote control, thinking I was being so clever to have some form of control over my toddler going nuts in the yard or down the road.

He refused to drive it, fully expecting me to do all the work. He picked up some of the driving over the summer, but still wants me to do it
@pnao Our 2 yo is getting put to work: she’s getting a Montessori kitchen set and some cleaning stuff like broom dustpan mop. She’s going to have so much fun!
@pnao A kitchen is great! They make smaller sized wooden ones that are great indoors. A little bike, books, those veggie paints, a baby doll, simple blocks, things with wheels, a jack in the box, cozy coop, a ball.