What’s for Christmas, y’all?

@pnao I have a 2.5yo—she’s getting magnatiles, a magnetic ice cream play set, a book about bugs, and unicorn slippers. I also think she’s gonna get a few other things. There’s a play sink you can fill up that I’m seriously considering.
@mts216 Here to say my 2 year old has the working play sink from B. toys and it’s literally the only toy that has kept his attention for real amounts of time. I recommend it to everyone with toddlers!!! GET IT
@pnao My husband and I got our son (22 months at Christmas) a yoto mini and some cards, the IKEA play kitchen, some books, pjs, wooden puzzles, and art supplies. Hoping to also find a deal on a rolling suitcase for him for when we take some trips next year.

Other relatives are getting him a scooter and helmet, Magnatiles, new swimsuit for next summer, and a little toddler table and chairs.
@amyrowl2 great list! we either have or are giving pretty much everything on this list and it feels so well rounded but not excessive or overly indulgent (resulting in apathy…)
@pnao I got my daughter a play kitchen for her first birthday. It's a very simple wooden one with just some veggies and fruits you can chop in half, knife, spoon, pot and pan, and a carton of eggs. I thought she would be too young for it but she enjoyed it right off the bat, so I say get one! She's almost 15 months now and plays with it a lot still. It's developed from just opening and shutting the doors and banging the ingredients around in the sink to actually imaginary playing. The pot and spoon is her favorite part to this day. Simple but she loves it!

I'm planning on getting her one of those montessori climbing sets. She has a nugget she uses all the time but I feel like this will add a lot of fun especially this winter as we're stuck inside more often. Also, some books, a stuffed penguin, and some pantry stuff for her play kitchen.
@pnao I got a bunch of pretend play sets from Melissa and Doug on Amazon because they were 50% off a couple days ago. She (2.5 year old) loves them when we go out places but we don’t have any at home because they’re pricey. We got the cookie baking set, pizza set, dress up Minnie Mouse, tabletop train set and extra trains, salon/spa, ice cream counter, and school set. Still on our list is a scooter + helmet, a doll, doll clothes, doll nursery, sink playset, Minnie Mouse glam camper, and lots of books. In her stocking will be membership certificates to the zoo and aquarium and a build a bear gift card.
@pnao We’re doing a play kitchen for my little one! He’ll be almost 15 months at Christmas. I’m excited to watch how his play develops with it over the next year. Nothing wrong with getting a toy to grow into a little. My plan is to switch out the food/accessories every week and not have it all in there at once. That way he’s not overwhelmed and clean up is a little more manageable.
@pnao 9 year old boy is getting boxing gloves and a punching bag, clothes, books, and a few lightsabers.

6 year old girl is getting a Barbie makeup doll, clothes, books, and a weighted blanket.

9&6 year olds are getting a joint gift of a wrestling ring plus between 20-30 wrestling figures.

2 year old is getting bedding, a rocking lamb, books, and clothes.
@pnao I have two kids so the gifts add up. Each kid is getting 2 "big gifts" and a few small ones.

For my 3 year old, we got him a monster truck "garage" that has tracks and a metal alloy tow truck.

For my one year old we got him the little people camper set and a bouncy pal.

Both kids are receiving squishmallows, pyjamas, a boogie board tablet for in the car and I made them each a "book basket" with gently used books.

For stocking stuffers we got hot wheels, socks, bath markers, snack jars, bubble bath and toothbrushes.

Oh and as a family gift we got the game Monkey around and magnatiles!
@pnao I was going to post a similar question. Does anyone have recs for great outdoor toys like a any good bouncy things or playhouses? Also looking for recs on those balance stone things.
@pnao For my kids, new bikes.

For my wife, still TBD. On the lookout for ideas.

My gift to myself is paid off student loans.- the last payment of which I'm making next month. I don't need any more stuff.
@pnao My husband made a doll bed for my almost-2 year old and I am making a little quilt for it. My toddler LOVES helping me with the laundry so she’s getting a toy washing machine from another relative!
@pnao We're looking at a little bike, my mom wants to get her a kitchen set (she'll be 2.5).

Last year (18mo), her favorite gifts were a "critter clinic" and a little toy stove/oven with food and pans.
@pnao We’re doing a pikler triangle with the rocker thing and slide, balance stepping stones, and a little tykes car. I’m also getting her some Calico Critters toys because she’s really into making her toys talk and play together. And then some tonies.