Q+A Part 1: The Basics

  1. How old are you and your SO? 25 and 30
  2. How long have you and SO been together? What is your relationship status and do you plan to change your status before TTC? We've been together 2 years. Currently engaged but we're waiting until we get married to start trying.
  3. What do you and SO do for a living currently? I manage my family's business and SO is in the army.
  4. What are your career plans before and after TTC? Mine will stay the same. SO is getting out of the army in December aaaand no idea what's after. That's also part of our wait...
  5. Where do you live and what are your living arrangements like? Do you plan on moving? We own a house together. We don't plan on moving until our kids are school because I don't love the schools we're zoned for.
  6. What's your cultural backgrounds? Any cultural traditions you plan on passing down to your LO's? We're both Caucasian and from the Southeastern US.
  7. What's your religious backgrounds? Do you plan on raising your kids with the same views? He is atheist and I am agnostic/spiritual. We plan to educate and be open minded when raising our kids and let them decide what they believe.
  1. I'm 24 (25 in November) and my SO is 32! He's the youngest of 5, so he kinda acts my age more anyway.
  2. We have been together for 6 years and married for 1. We still plan on being married lol
  3. I'm a Contracting Officer and he's a Clerk Typist. We both work for the government.
  4. We're both in really great careers. We love what we do, have movement if we want it but will be just as happy where we are at too. It's stable as hell, pays well and it's the monster that we know, so we're happy!
  5. We own a townhouse. We actually bought it last year! We definitely plan on moving down the road to something bigger and away from people. Being attached to shitty people sucks.
  6. Not really any specific traditions but I'm black and DH is white. We (and our perspective families) definitely do things differently than the other lol. We have to deal with a lot of bullshit but we also have some awesome experiences too. We look forward to our kid growing up around both of our insane families and watching them learn how to navigate the world and make our own traditions as a little family.
  7. DH was raised Catholic and so is all of his family. My family is Christian but I don't really identify with any religion. DH isn't exactly a hardcore Catholic either lol. We plan on letting our kid make their own decision about what they want to believe. We see it as a personal choice and we would support them in whatever they decide. We will, though, teach them to be educated and open minded.
@bobeatspie My husband is the youngest of 5 as well! I always say it's like living with a 14 year old sometimes. Are you also from a big family or were you like me and had a hard time adjusting to big family life?
@lostgirl28 I grew up an only child so it was sooooo hard getting used to his family! I still leave his parents house with a headache. There are always about 17 conversations going on at once and everyone is yelling lol I just learned to adapt haha. Are you used to it now?
@bobeatspie Oh man, I have a sister who has 3 kids so I guess I had a taste of it. I've learned to adapt too haha, I have favorite siblings that I'm more used to than others so it depends on what kind of family gathering it is. Christmas was the biggest shock to me to have 21 people in one house, plus they are very close even with extended family so they rent community center and such for bigger celebrations.
@lostgirl28 Lol I definitely have favorites too. One pretty much ignored me the first two years of our relationship. It was so shitty. That's crazy that they need a community center lol I wish my in laws did that, we get cramped in their house sometimes!