Q+A Part 1: The Basics

@onlycurious Ooh another mixed religious and not couple, I swear I sometimes feel very lonely as the only woman without her husband at church. Plus yay for computer related jobs :)
@koroman I’ve come to accept it, but he’s come with me a few times! Have you guys decided on how you’re going to incorporate religion into your little ones lives?
@onlycurious My husband comes for easter and christmas, and thats about it. Which is fine, his beliefs are his own, but I do get a bit sad sometimes. I'm not massively overt about my faith, so other than maybe some kids bible story books and attending church I don't think I'd do more than that. How about you?
@koroman I feel like that sometimes especially when I see families where he husband has come with his wife and kids to church, but my husband is my husband and it’s my honor to love him. Though I don’t think that religion and morals are always on the same plane, I want my children to know what is right, and even if in their little minds doing something because it’s the right thing to do and knowing it’s the right thing to do because “it’s in the Bible” is ok with me.
@bernard222 I am 31 and hubster is 32

We have been together for 7 years, married for 2

I am an IT specialist and he is a legal assistant (hopefully a lawyer in April)

The career paths will be the same for both of us.

We live in South Dakota in a small house. Probably won't move until after the baby arrives. We only have 2 bedrooms upstairs and don't want a toddler on another level.

No cultural traditions

Catholic and yes, but won't be pushy
  • How old are you and your SO? I'm almost 29, SO is almost 28
  • How long have you and SO been together? What is your relationship status and do you plan to change your status before TTC? Together 6 years. We've talked about marriage and TTC next summer... not sure in which order (I'm still waiting for a proposal!)
  • What do you and SO do for a living currently? I work in international development programming and he is an elementary school teacher.
  • What are your career plans before and after TTC? I want to become a permanent employee (currently on a contract) and he wants to upgrade from a substitute teacher to a real teacher. We traveled a lot before grad school so feel a bit behind in the career department but no regrets....as long as have a first kid no later than 30 ;)
  • Where do you live and what are your living arrangements like? Do you plan on moving? We live in a big city in Canada and rent a 2 bedroom townhouse. Depending on job status I'd like to buy a modest 3 bedroom house with a yard, but it's not a must.
  • What's your cultural backgrounds? Any cultural traditions you plan on passing down to your LO's? Not really cultural but we are both very active, outdoorsy, and vegetarian. I am so so excited to go on multi-day hikes with wee ones strapped to my SO's back.
  • What's your religious backgrounds? Do you plan on raising your kids with the same views? Both atheist. Will teach kids to respect other people, nature, and animals :)
@legatichristi Your job sounds really interesting. I'm a substitute teacher at the moment too, so feel the same about 'upgrading'.

My SO is a little younger than me too - it's nice not to be the only one :)
@johnnyleon Good luck with "upgrading"; my SO loves kids but it's so stressful going to a new classroom everyday!! And yeah I get to say I'm a "cougar" even though we're only a year minus 3 days apart :)
  1. I am 29 and my DH is 28
  2. We've been together for 3 years now
  3. Married as of July this year!
  4. I'm an Executive Assistant and my DH is a Programmer
  5. My company has amazing benefits, especially around maternity leave, so ideally I'd love to stay with them as long as possible. After baby I'm hoping to get a certification that would help me change careers.
  6. We live in Northern Virginia but plan to move to the Richmond area when our lease is up in spring. Ultimatly we are looking to buy a home in the next two years. Possibly before having a baby but most likely after.
  7. Cultural background of boring, white Americans. Daily traditions of home cooked meals and eating dinner together are most important to us though. Maybe some Friday night movie nights or yearly summer family vacations too :)
  8. We are atheists but plan to teach our children about world religions and culture. They are welcome to pursue religious studies at any age they desire. To each their own.
@dyork Hiii! How do you like Richmond? I'm used to smaller town living and being this close to DC is driving me nuts. Been here for about 3 years now for my husband's job. We keep checking out the Richmond area and it seems like a much better fit for us.
@steffie2768 We've been here for about 1 1/2 years and we love it. For the first 5 months we lived in a tiny apartment downtown and I couldn't stand it. So we bought a small house about 25min outside of downtown and I love it! Our neighborhood is very quiet but if we feel like going out and doing something, there is always something going on or a new place to go to downtown and it's not that far away. I've also really enjoyed being about 2 hours away from Virginia beach in one direction and the blue ridge mountains in the other direction :)