"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@nikjerry Yeah, pretty much all the time. It keeps him calm and happy, so who am I to argue? He spent about 4 days in the NICU after he was born (just an infection, no big deal), so we copied what the nurses did when we took him home. This past week I’ve been trying to get him to nap un-swaddled in preparation for the days of never being swaddled and we were both completely miserable.
@veronikamassing Ditto! So far having the same experience. Good luck!

Edit: To clarify, so far my 5 wo mostly contact naps during the day, and when I do try putting her down without a swaddle to avoid waking her, the nap lasts about 30 seconds… sigh.
@jonathan787 Wouldn’t call her magical but I’ve been working more on having my babe do this. I find she gets tired but is super distract-able so I’ve been pitting her down before shes asleep and I’ll stand there for a few minutes brushing my fingers through her hair/down her nose. Doesn’t always work but she definitely is learning to fall asleep on her own.

We’ll see… not much stays the same around here so it could just be this week its worked.
@jonathan787 It never worked for my son until he was 4/5 months old. He started hating being rocked so I tried it out of desperation and then it was the only way he’d go to sleep!
@jonathan787 It’s better to do a gradual approach. Not just putting them down wide awake and walk away. It’s definitely a work in progress and takes a lot of patience but it’s do-able ! I’ve been working on it and every couple days I’m able to reduce my “intervention”. I’m down to lay down and let fuss for 5 minutes before picking up. But I’ve only had to pick her up once in the past 3 days. Usually she fusses for 3 min then stops and sleeps!
@robert777 Drowsy but awake didn’t exist for us until a week or two ago. I’d been feeding and rocking my baby for over an hour in the middle of the night and he would not go to sleep. He was wide awake and ready to party. Finally, I had to poop so bad that I laid him down wide awake and went to the bathroom. He was completely out by the time I got back 🤯

He turns 4 months in 2 days and the past few days I’ve been able to put him down when I notice he’s getting sleepy and he fusses for a few minutes and then passes out. On the other hand, if I nurse to sleep he wakes up the second I try to transfer him.

Maybe he just needed to be ready? Of course, babies are trolls, so this could change tomorrow.
@73552 Babies are total trolls but this seems to work for us as well. If she’s full, changed, the right temperature and tired she will usually fall asleep after some yell singing (hers not ours) lying in her crib.
@mickey777 My baby was sleeping on my lap and I had been debating whether to start the transfer process…your “yell singing” comment made me lol and she just gave me the warning side eye. I’m now very scared to move again…but now I’m curious if I’ve been giving up too soon by interrupting her yell singing to bounce her again. (4.5 mo old)
@sfa Lollll yes we just kind of let it happen and she eventually falls asleep. If she actually needs something she yells with no singing, so I think it’s just part of her process. She’s 3 months old and started doing it maybe 2 weeks ago.
@sfa I let my little guy yell and grumble for quite a while as long as he’s not escalating to real crying. If he does start to sound legit distressed, I go get him. This morning he couldn’t do it for his first nap, even though we tried for like half an hour, so I rescued him when he was really crying and rocked him to sleep for a contact nap. We’ll try again later.

I just see it as practice now and letting him get the hang of it. And I’m learning his cues better, getting more time to myself, and not feeling stressed about him crying or freaking out.
@mickey777 That’s good to hear! I definitely don’t feel comfortable letting him get super upset, but letting him be frustrated a bit fees more okay to me.
@73552 Oh yeah. Definitely attend to their needs and give them all the love etc, just when they lose their shit it’s ok and allowed. When my baby cries I panic and so I have to work really hard to self regulate so she can tell me what she needs and calm down too.
@73552 Drowsy but awake worked from about 2 months to 3 months for us. Now we have to be rocked and shushed. In the rocker, me bouncing does nothing. Prior to two months, I had to walk around bouncing him. Wonder what the next stage will be 🤪
@73552 4 months typical because they’re out of the 4th trimester. They aren’t needing to be comfortable wrapped up like in the womb and warm and moving or need 4 oz feedings every 3 hours.