"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@robert777 Drowsy but awake is crazy. I currently have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. My 4 year old I nursed to sleep until she stopped nursing. Then I rocked her to sleep. When I switched her from a crib to a bed I laid next to her to get her to sleep. Now at 4 years old I say “goodnight” and turn off the light. She goes to sleep independently. They will all go to sleep independently one day, they don’t need to be able to do that as literal infants.
@robert777 This is 100% kid dependent. My first I fed her to sleep every bed and nap for most of a year then put her down like a faulty pipe bomb that could blow at any moment. She's a fomo baby who had to be tricked to sleep.

My second would eat, then babble to himself, then happily go into his crib awake and fall asleep from like 4 months. I assure you my parenting skills did not improve that much in the intervening years, they were just very different children.
@robert777 Same here! Please don’t listen to the crap that is spewed they seem to forget how hard it is in the first 3 months.

And now he’s 5 months sleeping has gotten so much easier.
@robert777 I tried that. For all of 2 weeks and then I said fuck it and we nursed to sleep until child was 2, then we rocked him. Hes almost 3 and slowly learning to sleep on his own knowing that we're nearby. And once we get there, we'll start working on sending him to bed by himself, but for now, I don't mind having to carry him to bed and I don't regret not sleep training him as an infant.
@pushkin When he was a newborn we had trouble waking him to feed. Nothing worked, undressing him, pinching his feet, nothing.. except placing him in his very expensive bassinet! The irony...
@robert777 Nurse to sleep all the way over here. Hubs does drowsy but awake when I’m at work but that only seems to work when baby is jam packed full of pumped milk from a bottle.
@robert777 My daughter is 14 months old now and that never worked for us… I rocked her to sleep until 6 or 7 months, then she stopped liking that, and wanted us to just lay her down. Now, we just lay her in her crib, she will chatter and roll around a bit, and then she just puts herself to sleep. And it’s not because of anything that we did!