"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@keenmaster486 When my baby needs to sleep, so if they're showing signs of tiredness or its bedtime, I feed until they go to sleep and just leave them on the boob for at least ten minutes before gently transferring them to their crib. To check they're ready I do the arm test, where I pick up their arm and let it drop into my boob. If it flops down, and the baby doesn't stir, they're probably ready. Sometimes it does take a couple of goes for them to stay asleep after being put down, so I just pick up and repeat. At bedtime I'll do a full feed, change then dress them (was swaddle, now sleep bag), then feed to sleep which normally takes like five mins at that point.
@robert777 NO! 😂 put them down after they have been passed out for a minimum of 10 minutes, then take another 20 minutes to walk across the room to the bassinet, 10 minutes to bend down, and another 20 to lay them down and slide your hands out from under them as if they are an activated bomb. Then stand there and pray to whoever you need to for another 5 minutes. If you’re lucky, then you maybe have enough time to take another 10 minutes to slide into bed ever so quietly and maybe grab 45 minutes of sleep before they’re awake again. -coming from a mama of a 4 week old 😂
@igorotel Omg, this is the most accurate thing I've read all day! It's the "getting into bed" part that always screws me! As soon as I lift that comforter and slide into the sheets (which, I swear, my sheets are made out of aluminum foil because they are SO loud) our LO wakes up and WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
@robert777 omg so true. I swear they have supernatural sense or something. The moment I took off my glasses and slid into my blanket, my baby wakes up. Work every time.
@fes3 Me: she don’t sleep long today. I won’t be able to nap anyways!

Baby: sleeps for 2 hours


Me: I’m going to take a nap today, too!

Baby: sleeps for 5 minutes and 17 seconds.

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