"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@sfa LO is only three months, but it did work during the newborn phase when he was still getting used to sleeping alone. Fingers crossed!!
@mfaccia Wanted to update - it absolutely worked to put her in her crib without her waking!! (But it didn’t keep her asleep…Sleep regression strikes again! It did, however, minimize the false starts…so thank you!!!)
@robert777 Like, I understand what they’re getting at. If baby can be awake but put themselves to sleep, that’s a step in the right direction to independent sleep, but whose baby Is like, “yeah, this is fine” when they’re awake and you lie them down? I’m on week 2 of attempting this method and it ain’t working yet lol
@2c710 Sure but I'm an adult who didn't figure out how to get herself to sleep without basically throwing a tantrum that I couldn't sleep until I got advice from a therapist in my mid-20s. Nothing to do with my parents, sleep is just an elusive bitch sometimes.
@jonathan787 I’ve had one of each. First one would refuse to sleep unless being held. I remember being so tired and frustrated with my second. We had paced the room for an hour and she would not settle. Finally out of sheer frustration I laid her in her bed and walked out of the room to take a mental break. She immediately settled herself and fell asleep. I was insulted. She is now two and bedtime routine consists of reading a book and her putting herself to bed. It’s glorious.
@num88rlz My oldest needed to be rocked to sleep every single night until about 18 months. Then he switched to holding me hostage and not allowing me to leave the room until he was asleep. My second had a very long and involved routine and needed to be placed in bed and sung to sleep.

My 13 month old has always been a “put me tf down, stick a paci in my mouth, and leave me the hell alone” type of girl. Bless her
@jonathan787 My baby gets pissed and screams if I try to rock him or cuddle him while he's sleepy. He wants to be put down and left alone. I know I'm incredibly lucky and I'm not saying this to brag but instead to say- babies are different. Fuck those ppl who act like there is only one way to do things. You gotta do what works for you and baby.
@jonathan787 From week 1-6, my little dude was a contact only sleeper. Then one day I was hanging out with him, we were sitting on the recliner sofa together (him between my legs in case of rolling). He was wide awake one second, then slowly drifted to sleep completely on his own… and has barely needed contact sleeping since then!

Trust me, I do consider him a magical baby after that lol. Occasionally I still have to “rock” him for about 10-20 minutes, but sometimes he just falls asleep on his own. But we swaddle him super tightly, maybe that’s our secret?