"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@deavallsbabe From my own personal experience with two kids, oldest 2.5, youngest 4 months - Depends on their age! When they get better at burping you don’t need to as much. If they fall asleep feeding just pop them up and let them have a shoulder sleep while you give ‘em a nice back pat. If you feed to sleep while they more bed sharing I generally don’t need to burp them by the time they’re 3 months ish - each baby is different. They’ll wake if they’re gassy right, so just follow the cues. Atm my 4 month old has been waking gassy and fussy at 4AM randomly, after weeks of being fine, but he also just cut his first tooth so, who knows! Bebes! They’ll surprise you!
@deavallsbabe I prop mine up on my shoulder and give her back pats for about 30 seconds before laying her in her bed. She rarely burps but why chance a wake up that could be otherwise been avoided? I also like doing this because it helps me know if she's truly asleep or not!
@katrina2017 I nursed to sleep when ever she needed it. She is six months and sometimes still needs it but the majority of time she is fine now.

I loved nursing her to sleep and still relish it. It feels so natural and nice. There is a reason they recommend warm milk to help you fall asleep.

I kind of moved away from it when she started waking up more to burp 30 minutes after I put her down. But it was pretty easy, just move at baby’s pace.
My baby is now 1, we’ve done this her whole life and will do it until she doesn’t want it anymore (we formula feed). If I even attempt to put her down awake she things it’s a game and stands up. It works so don’t know why things that work would ever be a problem!
@thelittleflower My problem is that I need to have a blanket on me to sleep and my partner is a fairly heavy sleeper. I nap with her during the day but it just seems different at night for some reason. I was thinking that I would put her crib with one side off against our bed when we move but my mom thinks that is still unsafe.
@katrina2017 It was winter when i was doing this. I ended up wearing a kigurumi (like a warm animal onesie) with the front open so he could nurse.

If you like, the bed side bassinet is a good comprise and may put your mind at ease.

I had accidentally fallen asleep twice in bed while nursing when mu son was a newborn and that's when i decided to bed share purposely. Rather br prepared then accidental.

2 years later we still bed share, i love it.
@keenmaster486 My babe gets hungry/tired/cranky, I breastfeed her, she falls asleep after a good munch, I gently remove my breast from her mouth, she continues to snooze in my arms for a bit, then I move her to her crib.
@keenmaster486 I don't know how to explain besides baby having a nice full belly puts them to sleep and for mine personally keeps them asleep for naps/bedtime/night wakings. This doesn't work for every baby or at every age since every baby is different!
@katrina2017 Mine gets a full belly..... and screams. Due to gas or reflux or something.

He also screams when his belly isn't full. So, we make sure he has a full belly and deal with the consequences as they come.