pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

@potluck45 My little girl is 5 months and I still hold her while she sleeps. There's going to become a time when she doesn't want to be held anymore so I'm making the most of it. If she wants a cuddle to help her sleep I'm sure as hell going to give her one!
@potluck45 I held my baby for naps until I could not fit her in my arms anymore. It was wonderful and also a huge pain in the butt but now she sleeps in her bed for naps.
@potluck45 My kid is nearly 1.5 years old, and when he is sick I still hold him for naps. He is an awesome sleeper, and I credit a lot of it to not giving in to others' opinions on what is best for him when they aren't there day in day out, we stick to our routines, we listen to needs, and we make it work.

You keep doing you, your kid's literal development, mental, social, physical all benefit from loving touch, and that's what you are giving. If it isn't working for whatever reason in the future for you and your little one, then figure out what does, and do that. That's what matters.
@potluck45 I feel the same way I stayed with my grandparents right after I had my daughter and all I wanted to do is show her all my love and attention and I kept being told to put her down don't let her sleep in your bed don't give her what she wants when she cries ect. And I have a not even 2 year old who sleeps in her own big girl bed (I still help her fall asleep) who loves doing her own thing she gets her own snacks and she is overall one of the most patient and gentle children I know.
But I think the one I hate the most is, seriously your STILL breastfeeding (we just finished at 21 months)
@potluck45 Studies show that babies of parents who are "overly affectionate" grow up to have better mental health. To no ones surprise, babies whose parents love them and hold them when they need grow up happier.

If your baby needs to be held you hold them. They are young for such a short time and it can shape who they are. You can't spoil a baby with love and caring.
@potluck45 My 6 month old was held for every nap until about 3 weeks ago, the only reason I stopped was because she wouldn’t fall asleep without sucking for the entire nap (no dummy) and I couldn’t take the raw nipple pain. So I put her down, she slept and I couldn’t believe it!! BUT I miss her, I now don’t get those quiet cuddles, when she’s awake she wriggles! So sad.

I am also fed up of people telling me to express so my husband can feed her or so I can get away? Like why? I want to feed her, I chose this. Yes sometimes it’s tough and tiring but I guess having a baby is tough and tiring in other ways for all parents. Fuck people’s comments!!
@potluck45 My dad’s mom tells me this, and in my head I’m like, you had a hard time showing affection and love to your kids and it affected poorly them as adults, I am not taking advice from you thanks, but to avoid drama all I say is nahhh I like the cuddles.

My mom cuddled me all the time as a baby/little kid and I’m pretty independent and I was never needy lol.

You can’t spoil a baby, like babies like to be cuddled and I love cuddling my baby. One day he will be older and won’t want me to kiss him on the cheek anymore much less snuggle, and will sleep in his own bed till he’s 90 years old, what’s the big deal, I’ll do it as long as he will let me.

Enjoy every minute and cuddle as much as you want! Especially if it makes life easy for both of you! :)
@potluck45 I like to lie when I meet people like that. Tell them something like "Haven't you heard that new research shows that babies who are carried more/have their needs met/are not left alone will be more independent children/well adjusted adults/smarter."

Whatever you like. It's your baby, you know what works for you.

When I was conflicted between expectations and babys wants and needs I used to think about what are our human instincts. Like what did the moms do in the stone age. Did they pick up cranky babies or did they do the "cry it out- technique". I had my girl in a carrier ALL THE TIME. Happy baby, happy mama.
@potluck45 My 3 month old always naps on me / my partner. I was told to put him down to sleep before he's asleep otherwise he'll learn that he has to get cuddles before he falls asleep.... Erm where is the problem? I live seeing him fall asleep on me and listening to his little baby snores. Sure I can't move for a while but I just stick a movie on (he can sleep through anything thank god!) and just relax. Who cares that chores don't get done? One day he'll be an adult who only hugs once in a while. I'm getting all my cuddles in now!!!
@potluck45 I don't believe so much in that. The only way my 8 month old will nap is in my arms or in his pushchair but goes to sleep perfectly in his cot every night. I love that he naps in my arms as it won't last much longer so I enjoy all the cuddles I can. Do what you feel is right xx
@potluck45 Girl yes. Hold your baby. My MIL literally calls my son a crybaby and a mommy’s boy because he wants me to hold him. He’s 5 months old!!
I tell myself it’s that she’s jealous af.
@potluck45 My kid slept in her carrier on me or husband for her first year of life, there was no point in trying to transition her, she needed the comfort from us which we were perfectly fine with. She started walking at 10 months and is now running and jumping an climbing, if anything she was ahead mobility wise. The carrier made it so I could still do stuff if I wanted. Now she sleeps in her own room without problem. Scientific research shows that the closeness is beneficial for their development so go ahead and hold that baby.
@potluck45 My baby wouldn’t nap anywhere unless I was holding her. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, she felt safe and loved. I did have slight issues with it though, I hated not being able to do anything for myself. When she woke up she was still a very needy baby so I couldn’t even brush my teeth! Slowly I weaned her off me. If you enjoy it, then carry on. My health visitor told me to only change up the routine if YOU have a problem with it.
@potluck45 My girl's just over a year now and we did exactly the same. In the end she couldn't get comfortable on me any more so we worked on transitioning her, but we only did that because she showed us that she was ready.

I really miss the cuddle naps. Enjoy it! A sleeping baby is what's important. You're a great mum.
@potluck45 If you change your mind, I can recommend the Sleep Lady - her book is called "Good night, sleep tight", her name is Kim West. Her method is gentle but you must know that there is no sleep training without tears. Personally I think it is important to teach your chils good sleeping habits but you do what works for you.
@potluck45 If anything your baby will develop secure attachment. Also physical contact is great for brain development. If your aunt wants to out her babies down she can go ahead but you raise your child however you want.