pregnant w/ baby #3


New member
since i’ve found out im pregnant my second child has been very very very clingy. has anyone else experienced this? it’s almost as if she knows she is not about to be the baby anymore lol
@missmyluv My 2nd (3yo) has been playing a lot of "baby" lately.
Lots of baby talk (which I find super irritating), not wanting to give up her baby things (bottle of milk at bedtime, diapers, soothers are the big 3).

I figure at this point, she will either regress to total baby once baby #3 is born in May, OR, she'll jump forward (that's a baby, that's boring, I wanna be a big girl!).

I'm not too worried. My oldest (6yo boy) is super helpful and excited to add another sibling to the mix. He transitioned to "big sibling" life pretty well, so I'm hopeful he will help Lil sis to get there once baby comes.
@missmyluv Yes my 3 year old had gotten more clingy. I like to think of it as he just needs reassurance that I still love him. And I can give him that with some extra mommy time.

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