Minimal weight gain at 19 weeks pregnant w/ baby #2

@devyn I suspect that I lost a lot of muscle in the first trimester - I was so SO sick, so sure, some of it was probably fat. But because of being sick I also stopped working out (previously very very active) and now I have skinny chicken legs and arms so yeah. If you're like me you probably did lose some muscle mass!
@ergo 20 weeks. Due to intense morning sickness I lost 25 pounds in the firsts trimester. I’m still vomiting a lot but haven’t lost any more weight. Haven’t gained any either. Baby is growing. My doctor isn’t worried. Note: I was and still am in the overweight BMI category.
@ergo I didn’t gain any weight the first half of pregnancy, and then my body decided to make up for it in the back half lol. Bodies are weird! I figure it’s going to do whatever it wants, all I can do is be healthy and go along for the ride.
@ergo I dropped 9 pounds in the first 7 weeks and then have held steady to now, 22 weeks, my OB hasn't been worried so far. I was high end of normal weight starting out, still in the normal range.
@ergo I’d only gained 4 lbs by 28 weeks and got a similar talking to. I’ve managed to pack on another 5 lbs since (36 weeks currently). I wouldn’t worry about it as long as baby is still measuring fine and you’re eating relatively healthy!
@ergo I'm pregnant with my second, average bmi. I put on 0 weight at 20 weeks (standard pregnancy, no vomiting or anything and ate like normal. Minimal exercise). I'm 34 weeks now and have put on 10kg.

Everyone is different!
@ergo I lost about 5 pounds in the beginning. Not sure why, maybe was just trying to eat healthier overall for baby but I certainly didn’t diet or restrict. Hadnt gained any of it back by my last appointment which was at about 17 weeks. Doctor was not concerned in the slightest. I also technically started off overweight if you believe BMI bullshit.
@ergo Personally, I’m considered overweight and actually lost weight since getting pregnant. Now my weight is just steady at the moment. But I had pretty severe food aversion and nausea my entire first trimester. Even now it comes and goes as I’ve enter second.
@ergo With my pregnancy I gained around 14 lbs. I was only around 99 lbs beforehand. In fact I reached my peak weight in the second trimester and didn’t gain any after that while I just kept getting bigger. Had a 50th percentile baby. Very healthy. I think baby took what she needed from me. In the end there was just less of me and more of her!

In fact the doctors weren’t worried, but my family was. They kept encouraging me to eat and I really tried, but she just kept taking whatever I ate 🤷‍♀️
@ergo I'm 6 months and I've gained only 8 or 9 pounds! I was nervous about weight gain because my mom never lost the weight 29 years later and a close friend of mine gained 60 pounds. I'm slim/athletic build and an active gym goer pre pregnancy but I've been laaaazy during my pregnancy. 16 weeks of nausea, then by the time I felt better it's 90 degrees everyday with no AC lol.
@ergo I’m a little overweight but regardless at 35.5 weeks I’ve gained a total of 4 pounds (and that fluctuates. This morning it was just two pounds lol)