newly pregnant, run my half?

@monkeyroo I would go for it! Your symptoms should be minimal and there shouldn’t be any risks to the baby as long as you are hydrated etc..

I would enjoy it while it lasts in case you have to modify for first trimester symptoms soon!
@monkeyroo If you feel like you are otherwise in shape to run it, and your OB doesn't see a problem, go for it. Pay extra attention to hydration.

I was summiting 10k mountains and hiked the Narrows at Zion NP well into my second trimester. Stuck to smaller mountains and hikes during the 3rd tri only because of access and speed for getting off the mountain in an emergency. Listen to your body, of course.
@monkeyroo The one thing that comes to mind for me is overheating. You didn’t say where the half is, but I would keep this in mind depending on how warm it will be outside. Hyperthermia can be detrimental in the early weeks of pregnancy. Here’s a brief overview and the paper.
@monkeyroo Should be fine if you’re a runner. My ob was fine with me running a half at 12 weeks and I ran a 10 miler at 5 weeks and 7 weeks. Just listen to your body.

This half at 12 weeks is going to suck seeing as morning sickness kicked in and I haven’t run for weeks…
@monkeyroo I trained for a half while pregnant and ran it at 16 weeks. It was not my fastest race, but physically I felt fine. My obgyn was fine with it. I say do it as long as it still feels comfortable.
@monkeyroo you sound like you’re in solid shape! I ran a full marathon at 6ish weeks instead of my ultra and felt totally fine. the biggest thing I noticed was dehydration hits you so much faster and harder. so make sure you’re fueling and drinking as much as you can!
@donnie1599 ah, I bet this was why I could not get enough fluids during my marathon! everything makes sense with hindsight

great suggestion about fluids! I usually don’t run a half with water but maybe I’ll bring my hydration vest, this course doesn’t have a lot of water stops

it’s INCREDIBLE that you ran a marathon at 6 weeks, absolutely amazing!
@monkeyroo that’s a great plan! it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!

it’s crazy how much makes sense when you look back. I kept wondering why my taper runs up to the race were SO painfully slow and exhausting but it clicked when I got the positive test haha

you totally got this!! have so much fun☺️