I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

@agape49 Congratulations! We had twins March 3/3/22, then their little brother came along 23/02/23!

It is fantastic, the twins absolutely adore their brother and he adores them. They all make each other laugh and it is so heartwarming to hear the three of them. They have such an amazing bond, they cuddle him kiss him and he does the same with them. They show him things al the time and try to include him in their play however they can. Even if it’s just pretending that he’s chasing them.

I will say though, it is hard. The first 8 weeks were rough, me and my partner were like ships passing in the night. It takes a while to get into the swing of things but you will amaze yourself with how efficient you become, and it is so rewarding! we found baby carriers to be an absolute life saver when going out. Before the twins could walk well, we would take a double buggy and a carrier. me and my partner take turns at night, one of us will settle the twins and the other will feed/settle the boy.

Out and about You will get looks, people will have things to say about it, more often than not it’s positive. It’s like the standard twin remarks but then a bit more.
@agape49 We had two sets of twins within a year . Our newest set turns 1 on June 5 and our older set turns 2 on July 21.

You CAN and WILL do it - you have to take most days hour by hour and learn to laugh through a lot of shit , but it’s totally doable ! Feel free to PM if you want more in depth chat :)

Edit - we call our tribe the “Irish quads”
@hammermannn Oh wow congrats!!! Yous must be like superheroes I can’t even imagine that. Husband said at our scan “well at least it’s not triplets” 🤣 I can’t imagine 4 little babies at once. Thank you!
@agape49 It’s going to be tough, but you’ll make it work ! Do you have a lot of support ? It makes a huge difference! My parents take a baby or toddler once every few weeks for about a week at a time. I know not everyone has that ability, but even if you have friends that offer to take a baby for the day or overnight, let them. Do not be afraid to reach out. I’m currently sick and had to call my mom to take a child lol.

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