Pregnancy pillows are overrated

@hoop My pregnancy pillow is... alright. I usually end up sleeping with a collection of large plushies that fit my sleeping posture much better though. Not that anything actually helps the hellish pain in my pelvis, but honestly, whenever I mention that and get the "did you try a pregnancy pillow?" reply, I just tell them I have and it doesn't change anything. It just makes it harder to shift around in bed if I'm honest.
@hoop I felt the same. Until I washed the cover and it didn’t dry in time for bed that night so I went without 1 night and I didn’t even think my sleep could get worse than it was at that point but wow wow my hips already hurt but were in so so much pain that whole night and the following day
@hoop I just rolled up a thick blanket and I'm using it as a free pregnancy pillow that won't have to be stored away after a few months. So far so good. But then, I'm only six months in and always was a good sleeper. Maybe I will cave in eventually.
@hoop I have a love hate relationship with my preggo pillow! Sometimes she’s amazing and I feel so comfy, other times I biff her across the room and sleep with normal pillows tucked in at every possible supportive angle. And drag them around the bed as I switch side 1 million times a night. But the real MVP is my weighted blanket. It really really helps my restlessness!
@hoop Yeah nothing I bought helped (the huge “pregnancy pillow”, wedges etc) I designed my own structure with a pillow and blanket on each side and have been managing pretty well with that but don’t know if it’ll hold up until the final days.
@hoop I hate my big pregnancy pillow because I feel like I’m wrestling a sea serpent every time I need to get up to pee. I just use a wedge behind my back now to keep me from rolling over too far.
@hoop Maybe it’s because I have a cheap pillow from Amazon but I don’t get it. I don’t find it comfortable at all. Maybe I’ll feel differently once I get a bit bigger (29 weeks today)?

Any pillow recommendations out there?
@hoop I created my own modular system with a million pillows all around and I feel like it's at least so functional as a whole horseshoe number. I don't think a certain pillow is going to quiet my reaching thoughts at 4am...
@hoop I finally gave up on mine when I realized it was actually causing my sleep issues. It was constantly falling off the bed, I didn’t like using it for under my head, and it was forcing me into certain positions. I got a wedge for under my belly but have used that between my knees instead and that’s been all I need!