my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

@rayne49 My MIL is type 2, but this sound EXACTLY like her last hypoglycemia episode, where she just didn't wake up that morning until her friend she was supposed to meet for coffee phoned us in a panic.

Op, I am so sorry you went through this. Diabetes is terrifying if that is the cause, and heartbreaking as a parent having to give needles to a baby. I'm wishing you and your family the best
@alwayscurious Wow that sounds terrifying! You did such a great job though, I want you to know. You did the right things and your son sounds like he's receiving the correct care because you took action.

I can't imagine how stressful this is, please remember to take care of yourself too.
@derf thank you so much. it’s so hard not to doubt your decisions with things like this but i’m glad i went with my gut especially after hearing how low his sugar levels were, i don’t want to imagine what would have happened if i left him.

i’ll try! have zero appetite and definitely won’t sleep but i’m staying hydrated at least
@alwayscurious My gosh. I’m really sorry. My heart sank when you said he “flopped”. I can imagine how absolutely terrifying this must be for you. If it helps any, he’s in the best place he can be right now. They will take care of him. Sending you and your son lots of love and healing wishes. ❤️
@neonbelly99 mine too🥲honestly best way i can describe it was i felt like i was in autopilot. felt like i was dreaming. my voice was shaking on the phone to the dispatcher but i knew i had to keep it together for him and my 4 year old. i know it will all come hitting me the minute i sit down in the quiet and then i’ll probably break down😫
@alwayscurious My daughter spent a lot of time in hospital as a baby with respiratory illnesses. One of the doctors said the babies outgrow these things (resp. illnesses) and are happy healthy babies, then they look up at the parents and the parents are a complete mess. It is so so hard to have a poorly baby, especially in an emergency situation. Be kind to yourself, not just about if you did the right thing, but the memory of seeing him floppy. It is going to haunt you and you will get reminders of it where you least expect it, but you need to provide yourself with coping mechanisms for this. I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom, but it is horrible being the parent of a sick child, once the shock wears off.

You absolutely did the right thing by calling an ambulance and not taking him yourself, you can't monitor him if you're driving so it's not worth the risk. I called an ambulance in the past knowing it would take longer than if I drove but would still be less risk as she could be monitored constantly and not sat slumped in a car seat that would make her condition worse. That is what the emergency services are for.

I hope you get some answers soon and you can manage whatever it is that caused it.

Give him lots of hugs and kisses.
@alwayscurious That’s very scary but it sounds like you did everything right!

Does your toddler have a pre-existing condition that you are monitoring? Is there a reason you are so concerned about sepsis?
@mem5 no he has no other condition. and he wasn’t sick beforehand either. i just worried about sepsis because i always think of unresponsiveness/difficulty waking/ drowsiness as a sepsis warning sign
@alwayscurious Unresponsiveness like that can be a lot of different things, not just sepsis. But your instincts were correct—clearly, something was amiss, and now he is being treated/evaluated. Sometimes knowing symptoms can be a double-edged sword when it comes to being hypervigilant about potential illness. But in this case, being concerned about sepsis prompted you to take what sounds like necessary action to get your child the care they needed.
@alwayscurious I'm of the opinion that people who say "you're overreacting" when it comes to your child's health or state can kindly suck it. You know your kiddo best at this age and it's always better to be safe than sorry. You did everything right, stay strong ❤️

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