I hate this place

@cwesh I totally get it but I had my implant in and explained it at the time as well with my husband in the room. I even recounted the last day of my period which wasn’t that long before so it was annoying. If she had said before that she still wanted to run a test I would’ve been like ok but it’s the fact that she came back in the room after and said she decided to do one any way without even informing or asking me
@katrina2017 Yeah, I agree that’s pretty annoying. You could have just brought your own test in then and peed on the stick in the office if you knew they would do that!
@cwesh Lol I wish the experience overall wasn’t good she was rude and seemed annoyed with me. It just irritated me. I haven’t been back there with any other needs that came up. Each time I’ve tried paying the bill it just says it doesn’t exist so I’m just over that place.
@leann1005 I can understand what you're going through. But these costs honestly seem enviable for someone like myself who lives in a "third world" country. Here is some perspective on how you're still better off than most of us living in the same world. I hope these unfortunate facts might help you see things in a better light:

Where i live (not in the USA) very few companies give health insurance. Me, despite having a medical degree and a post graduate, do not have any health insurance. Despite WORKING FOR A HOSPITAL, i cover my own medical bills. My husband, who works for a private gaming company luckily does have insurance. With some spouse medical bills being covered. Around 50 to 70%

Our medical bills for a natural delivery: 2.5k USD on average

For a c section: 5-7.5k USD on average

Hospital stay: 100 USD per night. You're advised to stay atleast 2 days for natural and 4 days for c section.

My every doctors appointment (monthly): 10 USD
My monthly U/S appointment: 10 USD . Thats a total of 180 USD for the whole of my pregnancy in dr's appointments

Then there are hidden costs and charges that you cannot catch in the bills.

Point is. Health care sucks all over the world. It sucks for you. And it really sucks for me. We need better governments, better laws, better budget allocations. We need human beings in cabinets not power starved monsters.
@2co105 America is supposed to be the “best country” in the world. It’s not even close to western standards, Nevermind third world/developing countries.
@esrun To play the whole we are the "best country in the world" game seems a little self absorbant to me. Who put America up on that pedestal, anyway?
The point was to show some perspective and lift spirits. Usa is still better off than where a lot of other human beings live. You can not imagine the living standards in other parts of the world.
@2co105 I’m from Canada. They regularly call themselves the best. My point is that it’s not enough. I’m sorry you live in a worse country but that’s no reason to be complacent when children are dying.
@esrun Where is the complacency? I literally said we need better governments, better laws and people in cabinets who give a shit. My point is also that its not enough. No one here is happy kids r dying wtf lol
@leann1005 Holy crap; what hospital charged that?? I'm in America and my c-section +3 night stay was only 10k and my insurance covered 7k of it. And my insurance is high deductable too!
@decrem I live in the DFW area. It is an HCA for-profit hospital. I literally told my OB, I reached my deductible as soon as I walked through these doors. The only reason I found out my costs is because I looked on my claims on my insurance.
@leann1005 I'm American, but lived in the Netherlands for 5 years and had a close friebd give birth while living there (therfore have some knowledge of the differences). The America system is the worst and un-Maternal system. America is forcing women to have children with absolutely no support for post partum care unless you can arrange yourself or have money to get care.
In NL, you get someone to help take care of cleanjbf, shopping and cooking a few hours a week for 3 or so weeks after delivery. You have a midwife (the same one) throughout your entire pregnancy.
I will say though, that the bill you see is not the bill insurance or anyone pays. That's the fake sticker price that get negotiated substantially depending on the insurance carrier and hospital.
  1. ask for itemized bill.
  2. ask for payment plan.
  3. if you have cash, ask them if you could pay in cash an X amount right now, how much would it be (they sell your debt to debt collectors for pennies to the dollar)