God I hate my 5 year old right now

@poweredbyjesus My daughter has issues with transitions too. One things that's been helping is giving her time warnings like "you can play for 5 more minutes and then it's bath time," and reminding her "you have two more minutes to play before your bath." Think I'm gonna get a few hour glass timers so she can have the added visual. Definitely helps her to know a transition is coming rather than just springing it on her.
@poweredbyjesus Uuuuuuuuuhhweeeee!!
I have 5 boys ,,,18,15,10,7,&3
I am no doctor of course but based off of my experience I'd say its just a "thing" he will hopefully grow out of this . Im still struggling with all these dang phases we must go through..with all my 5 boys. I still cant ignore my kids since i get alot of" just ignore him he'll get tired" . Ma'am i feel like im about to catch smnthn every single day!
But i will tell u this , i do regret not dealing a different way with my 2 oldest. Not trying enough to find a way, .... now they are "too old" and its not like i can baby talk them into stuff.
Try to find a way"

There has to be a way for him to comply without the daily stress and struggle you go through.
@poweredbyjesus How would we really know that when we don’t know your parenting? It’s possible he’s been raised with no structure and learned he can do whatever he wants or throw a fit to get it.

On the other hand, if not, and you think there’s a problem, definitely take him to get him tested. The sooner you find out, the sooner you can make changes as necessary.