I hate this place

@leann1005 I had to do genetic testing twice because my doctor took it a week to early. My insurance sent me a letter saying the first test wasn’t covered because I wasn’t on the insurance yet which is bs because 1) I haven’t gotten a bill from my doctors telling me to pay it would’ve included the appointment and an ultrasound charge 2) i had submitted my paperwork two days before and they back track to when your paperwork was completed 3) it’s been almost 20 weeks since I did that blood work and I’m just now hearing about this.
@leann1005 I feel this. My 4 day stay was 25000. My baby also had to stay an extra night in the hospital for light therapy for jaundice and insurance decided they eint cover that because it was "medically unnecessary" 🙃
@chrisc Its crap like this that makes my blood boil :/ I would fight my insurance. Like if there was an embodiment of Health Insurance, I would be throwing hands.
@leann1005 Not even just that, food stamps dude. They gave me nothing of food stamps because they had in their system that my sister and I were working, me making $400 every two weeks??? I wasn't but when I WAS, a looong time ago, it was to help my mom pay her bills, so they're telling me that somehow we have to pay all of our expensive rent AND pay food all on our own because we make some type of money... my sister has scizo, can't work and hasn't worked in so long being in and out of the hospital. And my mom didn't want me working until after I gave birth and they STILL didn't give us foodstamps for 4 months. We quite literally starved til we got approved for some the other day. It's insane how much the system doesn't make sense.

Paying rent, student loans, food, medical bills. You literally have to pay to live and you still owe more than you'd ever make in your lifetime.
@leann1005 Also I’m noticing doctor’s are extremely by the book medically with giving you time off work. Years ago you could build a relationship with a doctor and they would give you a bit more time off. Hell I’ve had doctor’s give me an extra week off work when I was younger.

“The longest we can give you is until this date for a c section.” I know 8 weeks is standard, but what if I needed more? You just won’t give me that time?
@leann1005 I'd profit if I went home to new zealand to have my baby free, they'd even pay me if im jobless. My husband lost his job, luckily we can afford the cobra payments. Else I'd be high tailing it out of here.

Immigration for the baby wouldn't be worth the trouble, being that I'd have to come back.
@leann1005 Yeah my vaginal birth cost around 40k. I ended up having to pay around 1500 total and they let me do that on a payment plan it was only around $70 a month. The kicker is we were in the process of buying a house and the finance people decided to do an additional audit two days before closing and wanted to know what the $70 reoccurring payment was for. well I’m petty so I informed them that “in October I had a child via “vaginal birth” in which I incurred medical expenses.” Needless to say our loan officer (a friend of ours) got a major kick out of it because he knew how frustrating it was getting. He now tells his clients about it.
@leann1005 America is bonkers when it comes to pregnancy to me.

They want to control a woman's choice to have an abortion but also offer zero support when they do have the baby and make it unreasonably expensive.

When you have to worry about so much debt even before the baby arrives, it can really ruin the joys of having a baby.

Sorry, OP. I wish things could be better for you guys.
@leann1005 What's your deductible? I'm confused because you said you have health insurance yet you're stuck with a 50k bill? I was told that I only have to pay $8,700 out of pocket and after that everything is covered. You should call your insurance.
@evangelinaa My deductible is 2k. Insurance covered 95% of it. I only have to pay 2400. I was charged 56k. The only reason I found out it was that high, was because I got bored and went to see if any claims against my insurance had been made. I saw the exuberant amount and freaked out. BCBS doesn’t even show the itemized list. So I am curious all the BS they billed them.
@leann1005 Oh okay. I'm glad you only have to pay $2,400! Health insurance is so confusing. I was on the phone for like an hour trying to get clarification on what I'll have to pay when I give birth.
@leann1005 I mean the second part (paperwork for your husband’s job proving your medical condition) is pretty standard. FMLA requires that from your healthcare provider.

But yeah the cost of giving birth in the 🇺🇸 is insane! It shouldn’t be this way.
@leann1005 If he hasn't been there long enough to qualify for FMLA, it might make sense to just go along with it, but requiring a note with a lot of detail and not just one that says, "my spouse and infant need help with daily life because of a recent medical event (one had major surgery and the other recently became a person who breathes) for X amount of time," seems pretty sketchy to me.
@leann1005 I hate it too. I keep getting billed for a test I never consented to but the btch doctor took upon herself to do despite me protesting. It was a pregnancy test one of those cheap pregnancy tests that cost $20. I can get two boxes of those 50 sticks each for that price. Insurance cut the price in half to $10. I’m still annoyed about it because I kept telling her I’m not pregnant and I took a test already saying no but she still performed one behind my back without me knowing and tried to justify doing it.
@katrina2017 Not arguing with you that the cost of the test is ridiculous but doctors can’t take someone’s word that they are not pregnant. The liability potential if they’re wrong is way too high and it’s a simple non-invasive test so really impossible to justify not doing one, even in the most reliable patient.