I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

@daryle I have a graduate degree and worked in management prior to losing our childcare during early covid. We had 2 kids then, and I’m now pregnant with #4. We’re happier than ever, although obviously it was a huge change for everyone, not just financially. I’d always dreamt of being a SAHM but never thought it would play out for us, and then it was forced on us. At this point I truly don’t know how or when I’ll be able to go back to work; most daycares in our area still aren’t even taking kids on the waitlist, let alone having spots available. Our oldest is already in extracurriculars, and it’s just constant THINGS, never mind trying to keep a house running and people fed. My husband works a ton but is a huge help when he’s home, and I’m incredibly grateful and lucky.
@daryle My mom recently just underhandedly called me lazy for not working. She hated being stay at home and I, the first born, was an oops and not wanted. So her experience with being a SAHM is very different from mine. I have a partner I trust to bring the paychecks home, it’s my job to take care of kiddo and stretch that money/handle bills. I couldn’t imagine someone else caring for my child 80% of the time, and the money that goes into childcare jeeeesh