Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

@serenity777 This is anecdotal, but: my son (10 months old) has a critical congenital heart defect and has had two heart surgeries. His cardiologist has recommended we get him the COVID vaccine. She was not worried about the possibility of myocarditis. (Of course, we live in the south and it seems impossible to find anywhere to actually get the infant COVID vaccine, but...)
@charist He's one tough cookie and I hope he's done with surgeries! Yes, that's helpful to know a pediatric cardiologist is not concerned and recommended the vaccine. We live in the Midwest and our pediatric clinic doesn't give the vaccine anymore because they have such a low demand that they were having to throw away a bunch of opened vials of it. So, I had to make an appointment with our county health department which only offers infant vaccines 2 days a week :/. I suspect this lack of access is part of the reason why I think (if I remember correctly) only ~30% of infants have been vaccinated.

Best of luck to you and your son!!
@serenity777 An anti vax friend was citing “all the young athletes dropping dead” from heart issues. After ten minutes I found a precovid study which concluded a very small percentage of athletes die of cardiac arrest every year. So these anecdotes might be surprising to those unaware but they are consistent with life before COVID.
@serenity777 No problem! My toddler got Moderna when it was first available. Because we were so eager we did the 4 week interval but honestly I would’ve done longer if we weren’t in a surge at the time. Moderna is nice because it’s 2 doses then the bivalent booster. For Pfizer it’s 3 doses then follow up with the bivalent dose so 4 total. It takes 3 doses of Pfizer to get the same level as 2 doses of Moderna so I’m personally glad we went with Moderna.
@kelseyylee701 The Pfizer series for under 5s is a bit confusing. They are still studying a bivalent booster for kids under 5 who already completed the 3 dose monovalent series. What’s currently authorized is 3 doses of Pfizer. You would now get 2 of the monovalent (original) kind and they replaced the 3rd dose with the bivalent.

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