Hey I’m fat and wanna get fit during pregnancy!


New member
I need to be more active. I’ve had depression for forever but now it’s time to give myself the best chances of garnering energy to be able to give to my baby. I’ve decided im gonna start Chloe ting workouts. I understand most of you are gym goers and I probably sound like a noob and that doing Chloe ting sounds ridiculous to some of you. But I promise one of my special interests is nutrition and fitness (follow Peter Attia and knees over toes guy etc closely) and although i practice it poorly, I am confident that the Chloe ting route is the best for me. The best thing is the thing you will do, as they say. And my main concern now is to become less sedentary. It’s tough though because I live in a desert and it’s too hot to walk outside. If I lived elsewhere the getting 10k steps would be my first priority. For now though, I guess 30-50 mins a day of sweating it out with Chloe ting with only an excercise mat is the deal.
@steve1225 Where I live they aren’t affordable I could get a mechanical treadmill but it’s also not cheap and I’m moving internationally soon so can’t take it with me either
@tylerwest21 Walks/hikes were really the extent of what I could do throughout my pregnancy. There are also free Youtube videos of prenatal yoga workouts that I used once in a while. Whatever workouts you are researching, I just recommend you include "prenatal" in your search terms.
@tylerwest21 I love in Phoenix so it's hot as balls! I get up at 7 and walk my dog for 45 minutes in the morning. It's still quite nice at that point in the morning. And you can get indoor stationary bikes or treadmills at garage sales for super cheap. Especially since you are moving it doesn't have to be a good one. Just to get the job done ya know. Also many gyms like youfit are 10/month so that could be an option for you. And if you want to do that exercise program you are set on I see nothing wrong with that as long as you are comfortable modifying so that it fits your needs. I still lift heavy 4/week but heavy is relative. I was deadlifting 300 lbs before pregnancy and now I'm at 185 at 34 weeks. It still feels like I'm active but I'm not dying and I'm not having to strain to do the workout. The mindset that I have been following during my pregnancy is "grow baby not muscle"

I fully support you staying active during pregnancy - I think it saved mine. But the goal should just be to get some form of movement in- not lose weight. I make sure to have a snack be fore and after working out so I'm replenishing the calories I lost during the workout.
@steve1225 Where I live they aren’t affordable I could get a mechanical treadmill but it’s also not cheap and I’m moving internationally soon so can’t take it with me either
@tylerwest21 Buy one second hand or walk around your home. At best since you are new, the safest thing to try would be one of those walking workouts where you walk different styles and speeds in place. As a newcomer, your body isn’t used to certain things and you do not want added physical stress to a body that is adjusting to birth a baby. Most of us have reduced or modified our workouts while others, myself including, had months of zero working out because we just couldn’t.

Highly suggest sticking to the walking in place workouts, that way you don’t need equipment but you are using muscles in a way you haven’t before without adding risk to you or your baby with your pregnancy.

You can also do this type of workout anywhere and it works.

Then PP, when your body allows, you can move into power walking or rucking or both which are great.
@joem789 Second this. I’ll walk in place while watching tv. If you have stairs in your home could also do a few laps up and down, will also get the hear rate up a bit!
@tylerwest21 AFAIK the usual consensus about pregnancy is not to start something new for workout. I am over weight and doctor told me to do anything but loose weight. Infact I'm limited to a bracket of 8kg weight gain allowed through entire preganacy.

So my advice is, consult your obgyn, maybe a second opinion too, because any activity that causes drop in overall calories, is harmful to fetus. Workouts, in this sense, need to be a pre pregnancy thing that you are used to.

If you've started nothing, walking might be the best start, just don't exhaust yourself, don't overheat and hydrate insanely well.

This is not a medical advice, I'm just an Arts degree holder.
@katrina2017 Hi! Just to inform you, this is not actually the recommended advice anymore! Within reason, yes a pregnant woman can and should start working out if she wasn’t pre pregnancy. Obviously don’t jump to extremes! But even body weight strength, gentle prenatal yoga, walking or hiking, swimming, are all gentle good beginner friendly ways to start working out for someone who wasn’t at all pre pregnancy! Being sedentary and not getting movement in is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy.

Pregnant woman should not start doing HIIT or heavy lifting for the first time during pregnancy, or something similarly intense. 😊
@rad0x This is my understanding too! Meg Squats even makes the argument that a pregnant person could safely take up light to moderate resistance training as long as the proper modifications are made.
@brandonaaron I completely agree. I was just speaking more to minimums, but I absolutely think lifting/moving more than just body weight is ideal. I love megsquats! I follow her programs, and have kept doing them even while pregnant.
@katrina2017 Good advice and i second it
I walked 10000 steps a day and before I was pregnant did morning gym work out about 4 x a week.
I now have to trade off a hike in the woods and a gym class because of energy levels (plus GD).
What I'm trying to say is scale down. Not up.
@tylerwest21 Can you go to a mall or large air conditioned space and walk? It’s common in hot places like Texas and even Dubai.

Per everyone else’s comments about not starting a new regime while pregnant also adding not sure how far along you are but you might be really tired in the first trimester to even really workout especially if you aren’t used to it.

I’ve done no working out in first trimester because of a complication and my main focus is eating healthy. You can’t outwork a bad diet anyway. Nutrition is really important for the baby development too so I would focus on that more than a new regime while getting steps in