Hey sleepy baby?

@donniew I don’t really agree, if you look at her FB group you’ll see that usually she just ends up recommending you do her ‘fuss it out’ strategy which is essentially cry it out.
@nessmisfit I’ve followed her for two and half years and I have never ever seen her recommend anything close to non-responsive parenting. In fact, I’d say she actively advocates against anything like that. That’s just been my experience!
@donniew EDIT: I was mixing her up with Precious Little Sleep! Ignore, ignore what I say about fuss it out / cry it out, I don’t know anything about this person in particular. Sorry!
@claytoncf EDIT: I was mixing her up with Precious Little Sleep! Ignore, ignore what I say about fuss it out / cry it out, I don’t know anything about this person in particular. Sorry!
@dragonfly11 I didn’t buy the 0-18 month course but I did buy the nightweaning one (not sure if she still sells it). It wasn’t dramatically different from the stuff on her Instagram but it was helpful for my tired brain to have all written out nicely and much easier to share with my partner. I did find it helpful for letting go of the idea of magic solution or there being something I was doing wrong. We tried some of the strategies but realised it wasn’t the right time for us, and a few months later she night weaned herself and started sleeping through the night out of the blue. I truly believe sleep is mostly developmental and it will get better. But it’s also ok to try different things to see if it will help it along
@mildrooarton I am thinking about buying the night weaning course. My guy is 14 months and is nursing every two hours from 11 - 5/6am. I've tried to not nurse him at wakings by doing allll of the other things but he absolutely will not agree to anything but being nurses. Do you think her course would offer me anything for this scenario? (Totally get it if you don't know but it's really hard to tell on her website). Thank you!
@dragonfly11 I love that IG account but promised myself of all the sleep aids I’d buy I wouldn’t give IG influencers any money. If you want, join the hey sleepy parents fb group and someone there will probably tell you the clutch pieces!

Regressions/progressions all suck but they pass eventually. Solidarity
@dragonfly11 I love HSB Instagram page. I haven’t purchased anything yet, but here to say that this is a tricky age. My little one went through the “8 month sleep regression” at that age. It lasted around two weeks, and then she was back to waking up once or not at all a night. In fact, I would say naps even got better once we got out of it. If your little one has just started crawling or is going through a major milestone / development, it will probably pass (even though I know it’s sooo hard when you’re in it). Hang in there and good luck!
@dragonfly11 i bought it about 2 months ago maybe? haven't even opened it yet 🤦‍♀️ not getting enough downtime to find chance or enough sleep to be able to concentrate on anything or have the energy to make any changes other than surviving each day on autopilot 😣 it's a particularly vicious catch-22, can only offer solidarity x
@dragonfly11 It was helpful in so far as just assuring me that the shitty parts were normal and they would pass. No magic secret, just reassurance and information that this is developmentally okay and will not last forever.
@dragonfly11 I bought a couple of different guides including hers and honestly none of them helped me. They’re all just a compilation of their posts and things you can find on the internet. I learned the hard way as a FTM that they will sleep when they’re ready and the best you can do is rule out any medical issues, have a strong routine and wait it out.