Hey I’m fat and wanna get fit during pregnancy!

@tylerwest21 I love that you want to be the best version of yourself for you as a mom and your baby. I also truly don’t think it’s realistic (and potentially dangerous) for you to attempt to lose weight or gain fitness during pregnancy. Absolutely move your body, walk, stretch, do safe prenatal exercise — but attempting to initiate new workouts you’re not used to or increase fitness levels while pregnant feels unrealistic and borderline unsafe. The body is under a great deal of physical stress during pregnancy. I was a moderately fit person before pregnancy and aimed to keep up my existing exercise program, but by end of second trimester and beginning of third, my heart rate would skyrocket to 120 (current resting 3 months PP is 55/60) just standing in the sun. Please be careful for both your and your baby’s sake.
@tylerwest21 Chloe Ting is great! I started doing her videos when I didn't have a gym, and she has a ton of videos at different levels. I definitely felt myself getting stronger. Even now that I lift weights and a lot of the videos don't seem relevant to me, I still enjoy her ab workouts! I also liked MadFit, who has dance workouts for cardio!
@tylerwest21 I love Chloe ting! But just make sure your not focusing too much on ab workouts so you don’t get diastasis recti ( it’s wear your abs separate). First try you can do what ever workouts but just do it gradually if your not used to the intense workouts. 2nd & 3rd try is when you have to be more careful of ab workouts.

Also there are lots of prenatal workouts on YouTube. The main thing is to try to be consistent or make some sort of schedule ❤️
@tylerwest21 Hey OP, this comment makes me think you might not be super educated yet when it comes to exercises that are generally beneficial vs. harmful during pregnancy. I agree with other commenters who are saying Chloe Ting’s HIIT style workouts are probably not the best idea. I’m sorry if this goes against your expectations/bursts your bubble a bit, but it might be good to do some research on what kinds of exercises are most suitable and safest for your current situation, as opposed to forcing the Chloe Ting workout because you feel it’s the best for you at the moment. Hopefully you can keep an open mind and find some other kind of workout that seems just as appealing to you if not more, because going from 0-100 and jumping a ton is not recommended in early pregnancy.
@christianstraightalk The only Chloe ting work outs I have done so far are ‘no jump’ ones. She has videos that have ‘no jumping’ in the title. I am education in health and fitness but yes have not delved in to pregnancy specific things apart from ‘no jumping’ and ‘no sit ups’ and stuff like ‘no baseball’ . As for diactis recti the nhs website as well as other websites say core exercises are important for it so I was shocked to see this conflicting info from the original commenter which I will of course look into.
@tylerwest21 Some separation is normal for pregnancy, but you could definitely overwork the muscle there (so now I pay extra attention to core workouts).

I also only did mild yoga before pregnancy. I recommend a follow along exercise routine (with cues) as opposed to the ones where you need to figure out stuff yourself cause it’s super helpful once you’re further along.

With the diet and a moderate amount of exercise, I also feel a lot healthier than pre pregnancy.
@tylerwest21 I heard you can get it through too much core exercises when pregnant but check with your provider I could be wrong. There are pregnancy safe core exercises but I think it’s mainly doing poses where the whole core is engaged not separate ab sections
@tylerwest21 There are a lot of prenatal specific indoor fitness classes on YouTube! If I didn’t have a regular active routine prior to pregnancy, that’s where I would start!
@tylerwest21 If you haven't been working out already, walking is probably the best thing you can do. You need to start small with something that's realistoc and achievable. There are lots of great walking videos on YouTube that you can do at home - they don't require much space and they're a better workout than an outdoor walk. jessicaSmithTV has tons of different walking videos (some include some weights or bands too, if you want to also add a lifting component). Leslie Sansone has videos too - a bit old school but they work just the same.
@tylerwest21 Its like everyone said, its a bad idea to start a new routine and especially a tough one when you are pregnant. Focus on eating well; and maybe join a gym close to you and use their cardio machines or their walking track or swimming pool if they have it. Ive been working out regularly for 3 years now & i had to stop working out completely in the first trimester for medical reasons. Im going back officially after 10 days and even then my PT insisted that we should take things slow and adjust exercises as needed. And definitely nothing new or pushing myself too much as id be prone to injuries.
@rad0x As i mentioned i personally stopped due to medical reasons. And As for her i did suggest going to the gym since working out from home using machines is difficult for her. She can do it and she should, but starting with chloe ting while pregnant could be a bit much and might discourage her from keeping up with exercising.
@christianstraightalk You were so bothered 😅
I’m not ignoring key words. The most up to date recommendation is to start working out if you aren’t already. In my past comments I gave healthy responsible suggestions for this. I linked sources that should also give good guidance on how to do this responsibly.
I’m so thrown by you calling it spamming. Please look up the definition. What I did was not even by a stretch considered spamming. 😂💀