Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

@armywife1230 Thank you! It’s amazing that some comments say I acted aggressively. The lady obviously wanted me to fight back, I held my tongue but I’m still the bad guy. I guess that’s Reddit/social media for you
@sakura656 If she would have called me a fat ass I would have given it back for body shaming, then told her that she should be ashamed a woman with kids like her wants to call another mom a fat ass, in the end told her she is a poor example in front of kids for using bad language !
@sakura656 People are so mean. I’m sorry OP. Sounds like you handled it well, and please know that your little girl is so blessed to have a mama like you. Kids learn behaviors from their parents, and it sounds like you’re on the right track. Sending hugs 💕
@sakura656 You did the right thing. Some people want that type of attention. Glad you didn’t give it to her. That really sucks that you had to go through that. I hope you have better days. I only have my 1 toddler and he’s going to be 2 in June and it seems as if the terrible 2s are hitting already 🤯
@sakura656 You did the right thing in the moment. You stayed cool and calm and did not get on her level in front of children. Some women never grow out the mean girl high school mentality and it really shows. Frankly I’m embarrassed for them and have no problem letting them know. So kudos to you for being the bigger person.
@sakura656 I'm sure the other parents on the trip know exactly what kind of person she is. Unfortunately, her child will grow up to be just like her. Sounds like your children will grow to be responsible adults because of the example you give them.
Nice work momma! I hope you go to the museum again soon.
@sakura656 I would have complained to the staff. No wonder her kid is a jerk with that role model. Probably would have said that to her as well. She’s a bully and teacher her kid to be one too. You taught your kid to be calm but also speak up.
@sakura656 I think I’d have laughed. Mainly as the vision of my fat ass just bouncing kids all over the place like a bouncy castle like some weird cartoon. I do have a fat ass and am very aware of how large I am. Larger people like myself know we’re large and I for one am so careful not to take up too much space and definitely not knock over a kid with my brontosaurus 🦕 like assets. So just the idea an adult would say this would have me in fits of laughter. Which probably would piss them right off.

It’s a shame that child has her for a mother because I imagine they’ll only get worse not better under her guidance.
@sakura656 Gotten security and told them she was harassing you after her child attacked yours? They have camras.

I would have lost my shit and been in her face screaming so kudos to you for keeping your cool.
@sakura656 Unpopular opinion: you shouldn’t have been aggressive toward a child that you don’t even know.
A. You’re huge as an adult and inherently scary to small children.
B. You’re a stranger, also inherently scary
C. You’re making a lot of assumptions about the development of a child you don’t know. Maybe they are big but developmentally at a younger stage.
D. Just because this incident happened doesn’t mean the mom wasn’t watching. Don’t we all know that kids are fast?? Should she never bring her child into social situations because they aren’t perfectly behaved?
It sounds like what could have been a learning opportunity for two very impressionable people became a mama bear fight because neither of you knew how to handle your child being pushed around.
@sakura656 To be expected considering your post is relatable and that mom didn’t act right so most moms reading this would be quick to sympathize with you. It was a messed up situation on both sides though.
Your child was pushed and snatched from at a children’s museum. Your solution was to be aggressive toward the child. That moms solution was to be aggressive toward you. The only people who acted appropriately in this scenario were the children. Unfortunately neither of you taught the kids how to handle your emotions which is really what should’ve happened.

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