Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@mikeposner This is my philosophy. My husband disagrees so it's a bit of a dance. But yeah as long as nothing medically wrong w kid, or severe picky eating, they will not starve themselves
@ruanddrew Have to limit any snacks and you have to sit down as a family to eat. Mine loves to get up and run around while eating so we turn off everything and say no playing until she eats. When she's bad she goes to the corner. Done it enough times that she understands what the corner means.
@7circles Child behavioral specialist here, for anyone coming here from a Google search, the corner is a legitimate method of behavior correction, 800 here is just a dumb fuck.
@ruanddrew I still do this (graduating high school soon) and I'm 4 inches shorter than Im supposed to be and have 32 cavities. Nothing wrong with them eating what they love just make sure they take vitamins and brush their teeth.
@soyben16 At 3 or 4 years old the doctor looks at my growth and does some math or I think they can double a kids height at 2 and tell how tall they will be when they are done growing. They got my brothers height prediction correct.
@ruanddrew My kid was a great eater, then for some reason hit 2.5 and had a snack OBSESSION! I just started telling him he can’t have any snacks whenever he asks because he isn’t eating his breakfast/lunch/dinner, so hopefully that helps. Honestly the most annoying part of it is him refusing to sit at the dinner table when I’m eating so he can run around and “look for snacks”.

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