Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

@person47 I do. I follow Dr. McKenna’s guidelines for safe sleep aggressively. I give a come at me bro vibe lol so he doesn’t. I can’t tell he doesn’t like it but he doesn’t come right out and say that.
@person47 I lie. I know exactly what they’d say, so nope.
We see two different ones in the office and id maybe consider telling the younger one we usually see but don’t see a point. They always reiterate the ABCs of sleep in a scripted sounding way so I just already know to just nod and smile.
@person47 3 kids. I lie by omission. They say “where is baby sleeping?” And I say, “we have a 3 sided cosleeper next to our bed.” Did I say she slept there? No lol. But we have it.

I’ve worked with pediatricians and in an ER. I know how wacky they can be about these things. So I just don’t even bother. I also know their education on safe sleep is poor.
@person47 My previous pediatrician no because she seemed judgmental. I just told her that he was put to sleep on his back, which was true, and that we didn’t believe in cry it out, and didn’t want sleep advice. My new pediatrician asked about sleep and since he was older I said no to his own crib and she just said “oh you bedshare okay” but I’m in a much more liberal area now
@person47 I told my pediatrician that we were generally bed sharing and she didn't get shamey or anything, she basically just said we should really try to move her out before 9 months because that's when she'll start getting difficult to transition. This last month we've been using the pack and play in our room as a crib and it's working like 80% of nights!
@person47 We cosleep, it is a life changer. Obviously natural to be with the baby and what cultures did for literal centuries and millennia before modern bassinets. We do lie to the pediatrician because they will lecture us and who needs the headache. If they aren’t willing to trust us as parents then screw em in that regard. Plus neither of us smoke or drink so it is especially safe because we are aware.
@person47 I told her. I don’t like to lie. I was lectured a tiny bit about the dangers before she told me that ultimately it’s my choice. She asks about sleep at every appointment but doesn’t lecture, just documents.
@person47 Yeah we told her the truth. She also knows this is our 3rd baby and always says “blah blah but I know you know that already” lol. So when I told her she was like “I’m supposed to tell you that the whatever organization says it’s not safe but I know you know what you’re doing, and it’s very normal in most other countries to cosleep so personally I say go for it” and moves on lol.
@person47 Yes at first we were honest and I was told that I would 100% rollover on top of her and suffocate her to death.

We switched doctors. Then we learned not to say anything. Until the AAP gets their shit together and actually learns safe(r) bedsharing practices parents will continue to be terrified and end up doing it accidentally, which is what actually causes the death of babies.
@person47 My daughter has seen three different peds since birth. I was honest with all of them. The first didn't like it but he also didn't like that I feed on demand. The second was fully supportive and offered safety tips, generally she agreed that it's important for me and my daughter to sleep well so she respected our method of making that happen as long as we weren't actively endangering our daughter. Third one we didn't start seeing until after her first birthday and we only switched because we moved. They don't really seem to care but she is older now so I feel like that's why.
@talita Yeah he told me that I didn't have to nurse her so often and I should just tell her no sometimes so that I could establish the fact that I'm in charge since I'm the adult. I was so uncomfortable that we left and didn't even stop by the front desk on the way out.
@person47 She’s never asked but if she did I’d be honest. She’s cool though and this area is very cosleepy. Of all the random moms I meet at the park, in groups, etc. I’d say over half cosleep and are very open about it.