8+3 weeks and tell me it gets better

@sarahs_ It really does. My first pregnancy wasn’t as bad as this one.

I didn’t start to feel better until 15-16 weeks. Hang in there. Don’t be too hard on yourself. This is about survival right now.
@sarahs_ I’m 13 + 3 right now and it gets easier! According to me, I’ve had a pretty easy time, but my husband says that it’s relative.

Weeks 7-10 I threw up a lot, and pretty violently at night (popped a blood vessel in my eye at 10 weeks), but otherwise just have been somewhat tired! I still get my stuff done though. If I was a better human being and worked out regularly, I could see that happening again.

I passed out once at 9 weeks. I sleep great at night and I haven’t been moody or hormonal, and haven’t gained weight. I had some pretty bad constipation during weeks 9-10, so I suggest Metamucil and Gas X to everyone moving forward. Seriously. I literally googled once “feeling like a fat fuck during pregnancy” LOL, ahh the bloat and constipation was real that day.

My husband is super supportive and excited which makes it fun. And we just found out our baby’s gender...BOY!!! He will carry on a really cool name from dad and grandpa. We did NIPT and NT screenings and everything is normal.

Now that I’m coming up on the second trimester at the end of the week, my sex drive is higher than normal which is fine by me. I haven’t let my husband go without, but my body just feels less bloated and garbage-y overall (thanks Gas X, kiss kiss) which probably makes me feel sexier during now.

I’m 5’10 and have a long torso so I’m not showing yet except for when I’m bloated. And that’s just the carbs showing :)

Just an overall positive pregnancy anecdote for the first trimester, hoping to encourage someone. I know I always like reading the delivery ones, because that whole thing absolutely terrifies me!
@sarahs_ It got much better for me! I was miserable that first trimester. Actually, TBH, I hated the whole pregnancy but in terms of objectively debilitating symptoms, first tri was the worst for me. A week or two before I technically entered second tri the exhaustion and nausea abated and I was able to eat food other than carbs and work out for the remainder of the pregnancy (that was actually the only thing that kept me from losing my mind). Def don’t be discouraged!
@sarahs_ It definitely got better during the second trimester with my son. I’m currently 12 weeks pregnant with a girl and sick as a dog. I’m hoping for that second trimester boost any day now!
@sarahs_ It gets better! 16+4 and feeling pretty damn good right now. Some body aches and joint looseness, but I'm still walking 4+ miles most day and doing yoga 4x/week. I felt a LOT better when my food aversions toned down and I could eat meat and veggies again!
@sarahs_ It will. When your in the middle of it every day is a struggle. My morning sickness lasted from 6 weeks-14 weeks. It lasted all day . It was horrible. It did go away eventually. I also took zofran which did help a lot. More than unison and b6
@sarahs_ I started getting my energy back around 15 weeks. And my weird food aversions were gone by 20. Right now, just try to take care of yourself. Let your body rest and eat what feels right. I subsited on plain bagels for a week during my first trimester because it was all I could tolerate.

Second trimester is a lot better. Just remember that now is not the time to push yourself. You will need a longer recovery period than you used to. You won't run as fast and you'll need a lot more fuel. But you can still get out there. Make sure to stretch and strengthen too. I regret not doing more yoga. I had to quit running at 28 weeks due to bad pelvic pain. I think if I'd focused more on stretching I would have kept running longer. Now I'm 30 weeks and trying to swim, run in the pool and keep up strength training until the baby comes.
@sarahs_ In most pregnancies it gets better as time goes on. Im 28 weeks and am starting to forget how miserable I was at first.

Keep talking to your doctor. If for some reason it doesnt get better, theres things that can be done to make it easier on you. Take care of yourself. Its ok to ignore fitness when your head wants to stay in the toilet.
@sarahs_ Don't be so hard on yourself girl!! First trimester is brutal, rest up and eat what you can. Your glory preg days are ahead and you can pick up where you left off once you start feeling better. Listen to your body and good luck
@sarahs_ I think it really depends. I had no nausea with my first and now I’m pregnant with my second and I’m at 23 weeks and I’ve been nauseous every day. I’ve tried zofran, ginger, b6 ... nothing works. I hope it gets better for you cuz this sucks.
@sarahs_ Yeah, I was sick my whole pregnancy. I walked around the block for exercise... 😭 hopefully you get the magical 2bd trimester energy but even if you don’t it’s ok to just walk. I mean, it sucks when you’re used to strenuous workouts but it’s better than nothing. Growing a human is hard work!
@sarahs_ I started feeling better around week 13. I'm 14+4 weeks now and learned the hard way I still need to take my nausea Rx at night. Before I got the Rx I took gravol, then got an antihistamine/b6 vitamin combo that works pretty well.
@sarahs_ It depends on the person. I felt like SHIT from weeks 6-10, at which point it miraculously cleared up, I was able to eat things other than oranges, yogurt, cereal, and toast again, and I felt totally normal again. I just started my 3rd trimester today and still feel good.
@sarahs_ I had a hard time from 7-21 weeks. At 12wks I asked my midwife for something to help, and got a prescription for Zofran and it was a godsend. I took it daily 12-21 weeks. I was losing a lot of weight and needed something to let me eat.
I found sprite and lemon heads helped a bit. I had to stop working out and honestly had a hard time picking it back up.
Most people start feeling better around 12-15 weeks. But don’t be afraid to ask for something to help you function. Good luck!
@sarahs_ I started getting so much better at 9+3! Im 11+5 now and can eat most things, energy is way coming back, starting to come up with exercise routine

I'm so sorry, I know its miserable! Stay as positive as possible by remembering it wont last very much longer!
@sarahs_ It got better for me. I think around the 15 week mark was when I finally turned a corner and my nausea and fatigue started to abate. I ate a lot of salt and vinegar chips in my first trimester. I could eat fruit, but vegetables really had no appeal to me.

I’m now back to eating my usual diet, including a lot of veggies. My energy in my second trimester was still less than my normal pre-pregnancy levels, but way better than the first trimester. Throughout my second trimester, I’ve been able to work out on average 5-6 times a week (Pilates once or twice a week, and then weights for the rest of my work outs).

I’m just shy of 32 weeks now, and will probably need to start thinking about scaling my workouts back to 3-4 times a week soon, as fatigue is setting in again.

Be kind to yourself and listen to your body. Remember that even if you can’t work out like you could before, every healthy meal you eat and every workout you are able to do is helping you and your baby.
@sarahs_ I'm so happy seeing all of these comments. OP and I are exactly the same distance along (8+4 today), and while my nausea is minimal, I am SO TIRED. I went from weightlifting and crossfit 3-4x a week to needing a nap after food shopping. I'm a big girl (less big after 2.5 years of crossfit) to begin with, and am so nervous about all my hard work going down the drain and this pregnancy setting me back at square one. I need this second trimester to come soon!
@sarahs_ Seabands are worth a shot. I got a €12 generic set from Amazon and was shocked they actually helped a ton. I don't know how I would have cared for my toddler wirhout them.