please tell me your experiences w/ c vacc & breastfeeding

@riyanjason No prob! Also the vaccines have been available long enough that there are some studies showing mRNA vaccine produced antibodies transfer to the breastmilk. Meaning without the baby getting the vaccine directly, they get the antibioties your body produces from getting the vaccine.

From the CDC website: COVID-19 in people who are breastfeeding. Recent reports have shown that breastfeeding people who have received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have antibodies in their breastmilk, which could help protect their babies. More data are needed to determine what level of protection these antibodies may provide to the baby.6-9

I might get downvoted for this but that is why I waited until I was postpartum to get the vaccine. Although I know a tonnn of women now who got the vaccine while pregnant and are totally fine.
@riyanjason Got the first dose of Pfizer when my babies were about nine months and the second dose six weeks after that. For the first dose I was a little sleepy for half a day and I had an achey arm after both shots (no worse than any other shot I’ve received).

I never noticed any change in milk production or anything off about my babies. The piece of mind knowing that I’ll have some protection and might be able to pass on some antibodies to my girls has been such a relief though!
@riyanjason I got my third dose beginning of September - Pfizer if anyone is interested. I felt fine and my baby was fine, but I noticed my supply did dip for a few days to a week after I got my shot. I drank lots of water, ate lots of oatmeal, and drank lots of soup lol.
@riyanjason I got 2 doses while pregnant and a booster whole BF and honestly it kicked my ass. But so does every vax I get. My milk supply dropped by maybe an oz for a few days, but came right back to normal - maybe even more bc I was worried about it dropping I fed and pumped more than normal for a few days.
@riyanjason I got Pfizer when my baby was 5 months, as soon as I could. I noticed no issues at all and even though I was planning to switch to formula kept breastfeeding for a couple months after to pass antibodies. My only reaction was soreness in my arm but it was about comparable to what I had after my tetanus shot.
@riyanjason I got my first shot when my baby was three months old and the second when he was four months old. The first one I had no side effects at all, the second a slightly sore arm for a day or so. I didn't notice any effect on my supply. 10/10 would recommend