A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

@vclr2010 I’ve done both. The birth part, for me, was way easier than laboring for two days and ripping my hoohah in half BUT the recovery was so horribly awful that I don’t think I can do it again. My incision wouldn’t heal and it hurt so bad getting up to nurse or do literally anything. I went hiking a week after my vaginal delivery.
@katrina2017 Yeah, this is my take on it, though I’ve never had one. Getting the baby out is less painful and therefore “easier”, but everything that comes afterwards is much much harder (assuming you didn’t have terrible complications or a fourth degree tear or something). With my eldest, I had some complications and my stepsister, who’d had a section, was still amazed at how quickly and how much I was moving around a few days later. With my youngest, who was a textbook delivery, I felt like nothing had happened by the next day, I was rushing around packing up my hospital cubicle whilst my husband cuddled the baby and it felt fine.

I hate this idea that there are congratulations to be had for not needing pain relief or intervention. The goal is to get everyone home safely, as long as that happens none of the rest really matters.
@vclr2010 My dad recently did this. My sister s baby is breech so it looks like he'll be a C-section at this point. I think my dad was trying to cheer my sister up but he was like 'well, take the C-section anyway, since baby's already 7.5 pounds with three weeks left it's probably for the best.'
..thanks for your opinion dad who has no medical training? 🙄
@vclr2010 I have had 3 babies… 2 with epidural and one on the side of a freeway… and YUP i can say i would rather do the option where i dont get cut open and still have to deal with all the horrible healing crap from giving birth!! What a ignorant little twit.
@vclr2010 BroMo I would complain about the assistant. Totally inappropriate, and inaccurate! What the fuck would a bloke know about birth anyhow?!

OMG your husband though - who was front and centre through the process and recovery I assume? Guess the guy didn't grow up around surgery
@vclr2010 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 would've been my response. Wow. I'd be floored and say "excuse me" to give him a chance to think about what he just said and change it. That is wild that a "medical professional" who cannot ever get pregnant or give birth would dare to voice that.
@vclr2010 Men should keep their mouths shut about things like pregnancy and childbirth, because these are the things they don't understand even a little bit, plus it's not their bodies they're talking about. Idiots.
@vclr2010 I’m sorry this happened to you.
When I had my son in the late 2000’s my fucking midwives shamed me for having an emergency c-section instead of potentially dying from the emergency… my son and I could have both died. But go off on how c-sections aren’t really giving birth. 🙃
Medical (un)professional.
@vclr2010 I was practically bouncing out of the hospital after my awful labor and delivery with kid 1, it felt so amazing not to have someone parked on my bladder, to not have to share space anymore. I was still recovering of course but felt so relieved I didn’t have to take care of a newborn while also recovering from the major surgery of a c section.

What an idiot that man was, I’d complain to his superiors.
@vclr2010 With 2 labors lasting 24-40 hours each, followed by invasive surgery and wrecked abdominal muscles, I have to agree with the man. This was MUCH EASIER, and downright PREFERABLE to the typical 3-5 hours and invisible recovery of "natural" birth. /s
@vclr2010 I doubt you would dox yourself by revealing where this guy is employed. I am tempted to write a sternly written letter, make thousands of copies, and send to EVERY OG/GYN office in the country in hopes that a copy will reach that putz!