Nobody told me. From a recent graduate:

@keoann I bought a twin size mattress topper/pad for my husband this time around. The sleeper sofa at our hospital is hard as a rock. Lol Hoping that will help him and make it slightly more comfortable this time.
@keoann Interested in the behind the ear massage and help with feeding. Maybe you can elaborate. I would skip the alcohol though, I would prefer my newborn to learn my smell without the tinge of alcohol.
@electric700 The nurse had me make a c with each hand one on top of the breast to help massage out the colostrum and one cradling the baby’s head. The thumb of the hand behind the head lines up with the skull bone behind the ear. Gently massaging there keeps baby from falling asleep which mine kept wanting to do before learning how to latch.

Re: Champaign I was thinking like a sipping toast with my wife when the baby is asleep and the dust has settled. Super tiny amount. Saw it suggested elsewhere after I was out and I think my wife would’ve appreciated the gesture. I hear you on smell though. With all that baby smelling there is no need for any other intoxicants.