A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

@vclr2010 what the actual fuck… no sir, major abdominal surgery promptly followed by being fully responsible for a brand new baby is not the “easy way” 😵‍💫 i would have fucking stabbed him.

report him at the very least.
@vclr2010 I’ve never had a c-section but I have always assumed they’re harder, that dude is weird as hell. I almost had to have one when I gave birth and I was freaking out because I didn’t want to be recovering from surgery while taking care of a baby. My lil vag tear healed up pretty easily 😅
@beleadnotastray You know what else is easier? Being a man who doesn’t carry and birth a baby in order to be a parent than a woman who does all of this.

Until a biological male gives birth to a child, any man who comments on how it feels to birth a baby or judge any woman on how they brought their kids into this world can fuck right off.
@vclr2010 Oh gee does this man and his imaginary uterus also have an opinion on how easy say breastfeeding is too? He should write a book for all mothers to be telling them how easy he found the process of pregnancy, labour, and birth to be.

There is no easy way out. One way or another, a whole ass human being is being yanked out of your body after you just spent almost a year (ALMOST AN ENTIRE FREAKING YEAR) dealing with the pain and discomfort of growing said human. By the time it’s all said and done, you spend at least a year, if not more, in pain and discomfort from creating a human. And he thinks there’s an easy way?!
@vclr2010 I had my daughter vaginally and for whatever reason that detail came up when my friend’s mother was asking me about having my daughter. In response she said something along the lines of “so you had a baby the real way” and I was so confused because is there a fake way to have a baby? I then realized she was “complimenting” me for delivering vaginally, which is weird and gross but what made her comment truly out of pocket was that she said it in front of her own daughter, who had both her kids (this woman’s grandchildren) via c-section. I did probably the same laugh OP is describing in response because I was so uncomfortable, and my friend told her mom she was basically insulting her and her mom just dismissed her as not meaning it “like that” but yeah, people are dumb.
@vclr2010 "Ah, so you've had a C-section then? You must be speaking from experience, because nobody says this."

God I LOATHE men in women's medicine. (I know there are shitty women and great men within women's/ AFAB medicine, but FFS, I can't imagine a woman saying this.)

Everything I've ever heard was that a vaginal birth is the preferred method, especially for recovery. I've only ever had a C-section (and have to have another for this upcoming birth), and I think I'd rather push a kid out the way they are supposed to be, rather than have my stomach cut open and my guts placed on a table, then not be able to walk, drive, cough, laugh, or sneeze for weeks without hurting myself.
@vclr2010 I had 4 vaginal births because after my appendectomy at 17, I’ve been forever terrified of ever having surgery again. I was always so stressed until I knew the baby was head down and the placenta was well out of the way.
@vclr2010 What a jerk. Whether elective or medically necessary, it’s MAJOR SURGERY. You are cut open and as my ex said during my C-section, he could see all my “meat” hanging out. They drug you heavily, root around in there and yank a baby out. I was so heavily drugged and on the verge of a major panic attack trying to breathe through it. It takes 8 weeks to recover, which is longer than a natural birth recovery and you’re still bleeding into a diaper, dilated and at risk of your intestines falling out and all the fun stuff that comes with birth. Plus you have the fun of numbness in the area for about a year. Good times. So easy sir, so easy.
@vclr2010 As someone who has done both, natural labor and delivery may be more painful in the moment, but the recovery is endlessly easier than c-section recovery.

Not to mention, my c-section baby had to go to the NICU (full term, monitoring for a birth defect that required the c-section in the first place) and I had such a hard time coming off of whatever drugs they pumped me with that I couldn't meet my baby until 6+ hours after he was born. I wasn't allowed to see him until I could stop throwing up and "easily" transfer to a wheelchair. I couldn't even ask for nausea meds because when I mentioned it, they said they'd have to chart it and monitor me for additional time before allowing me out of bed.

With my first, I went to the San Diego Zoo a week postpartum. With my second (the c-section), it took 2 weeks before I could be on my feet for more than 15-20 minutes at a time without severe pain.
@vclr2010 Iv had two natural and one C-section. One of the naturals I tore in two directions and it was STILL way easier to recover from than my c section. Men are clueless.
@vclr2010 Ummmm I had two natural vaginal births and I was so grateful I didn't have to have C-sections because I know the recovery is brutal. And not to mention the whole GETTING SLICED OPEN thing. Men need to just fucking sit down and shut up sometimes, I swear to God

And saying it's "easier than giving birth" like a c section is not considered giving birth? What the actual fuck dude??!!