My intuition told me a man was a pervert. He was sentenced to 10 years for child porn

@carolyng I'm a little shocked at all this "confirmation bias" crap being spouted here. Like are we really trying to kid gloves pedophiles???

Feel free and chalk it up to just a harmless little wandering eye when you encounter this in your own lives with your own children but I sure as shit would have reacted same as OP here. Sure maybe it's risky to go all chicken little in your town if you end up wrong about it. Protect your fuckin kids end of story.

Fuck pedos and don't let any hivemind here tell you that you're nuts for being leery of an old guy who takes any opportunity to be around kids like OP noticed.
@carolyng He’s going to have an absolutely hellish time in prison. Shower bitch, cell bitch, random shiv attacks, shunned at the meal table, people spitting in his food, general lowest rung stuff, he’s going to hate it.
@carolyng I seen a this huge guy with a tiny mustache in pizza hut and I made a comment to gf at the time that he looks like a pedophile. She defended him saying he was her music teacher, and has worked at the school for 20 years. 6 months later he got caught fondling on a teenage boy during a class trip
@carolyng What would you do if someone ”leered” at your kid that you supposedly know for a fact happened? Just get you kid dressed and leave? That’s kinda cringe and if you witnessed this and didn’t do anything about it other than warn one parent what the fuck is wrong with you? You have this great intuition and evidence and yet you let this guy go back out in wild for what 4 years? What a joke.
@aleonard He had 0 evidence of any crime. He had an interaction and some observations. Based on that interaction, he made more observations, and he made a judgement call about how he would take personal responsibility for himself and his family where it concerned the individual.

He responded appropriately. Same as telling his kid to not go downtown by themselves after dark with a bunch of money hanging out of their pockets. Doesn’t mean to folks out on the streets then are criminals - but they can still act intelligently with the collective of observations and input they have when it comes to putting themselves into probabilistically more-dangerous situations.

And there is the rub: the law - appropriately - does not convict on “probability”. But you as an individual can (and should) act on it.
@mkbauer I meant more personal evidence. Someone leering at my kids all the evidence I need to tell LITERALLY every person in that small town. I live in small towns word spreads fast. He was bragging about his intuition and everything. He told his wife and one other parent. There was I believe it said 4 year’s in between the creep checking out kiddo and him getting arrested. If he would have went nuclear when he allegedly saw with his own eyes he might have saved whoever it was that sick fuck got to.