A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

Women should honestly be worshipped for what we go through to create new human beings. That shit is messy and magical.

I just had our last child 9 days ago. I cosign this wholeheartedly.

Also, for the record, I feel like c-section is the way more difficult way to give birth. I cannot imagine how much worse the recovery is when it involves abdominal surgery.
@vclr2010 Frankly I just got my period and feel I deserve a commiseration award. The female reproductive system I'd a pain...

I had an unplanned c-section and a successful vbac. We want a third child and if you put a gun to my head I'd prefer another vaginal birth because surgery is never the easy option
@vclr2010 I have a ton of respect for women that have to have c-sections. That is major surgery and I was thankful that I didn’t have to go that route. Until men have to go through childbirth I never want to hear an opinion from them about any of it, or any jokes either.
@vclr2010 I've had a C-Section and a VBAC and let me tell you I would far rather have a vaginal because maybe you don't have to do much "work" but the recovery is HORRENDOUS (DD is 14 and I still have scar sensitivity!) plus I react badly to any kind of anesthesia and I had a panic attack and was screaming that I couldn't breathe.

Dude is an idiot. There is NOTHING easy about a C-section
@bitcoin I pushed so hard for a VBAC with my second because I was horrified at the thought of having to go through a C-section again. I broke down completely in my doctor's office when he told me that a VBAC wasn't going to happen, I was devastated. Honestly the thought of a third C-section is one of the things that stopped me from having another kid. Shit isn't for the faint of heart that's for sure
@bitcoin I also had a C/S and VBAC and the VBAC was worse than I expected due to some (TMI) really awful hemorrhoids but it still didn't come close to my C/S! I had 36 hours of back labor and 2 hours of pushing with a sunny-side-up baby beforehand. When they were stitching me up I could feel it so they gave me more anesthesia. I could hear all my doctors but they were speaking complete gibberish and I legitimately thought I was dead. I remember thinking their voices didn't sound frantic so I either already died or I was okay. It was fucking terrifying after just giving birth as a single mom. At one point I made out my OB's name and figured out I was still alive. I was fortunate to have help the first couple of weeks but after that I was on my own. That would have been a whole lot easier if I didn't have major surgery.
@jadegb just want to say, hemorrhoids can go to hell lmao 🫠 i pushed my fucking brains out my ass apparently and they have barely recovered. pregnant again and wondering how much worse it could get 🫢
@keepingsteady Yeah dude, they suck!! I pushed way too long with my first and bought myself a new asshole when I finished having kids. Don’t worry, any damage you do is repairable even if it sucks! I have the asshole of my twenties again 😂
@keepingsteady Yeah, I had a thromobosed one lanced with my first pregnancy, I knew it was going to be horrid with the next. It didn't help that my boss questioned me about why I needed the physical accomodations I requested so I just told him the gory details. Whatever you do, don't squat, like ever, during this pregnancy! Idk what words would belong on a greeting card for this situation, so I will just wish you a comfortable and healthy pregnancy!
@mrsgrass And then cut it open again a few years later! And expect him to bounce back immediately instead of taking time to recover properly. F these men honestly
@vclr2010 Let’s hang something from his nipples until they bleed too and have him carry around a 10lbs weight while he tries to manage housework and other children while we are at it!
@foxtrotrn The tylenol is only for the first 5 days. After that, you have to raw-dog that shit. Have fun getting up from bed 5000 times every night to take care of your screaming newborn with your stomach cut open.
@vclr2010 I like to do that exact laugh then give a brief rundown of how I'm not sure which one of us would have died first had I continued to try after he got stuck. Then laugh again and tell the second story of how the doctors were panicking at my second birth and the deafening silence in the operating theatre when I asked if she would be OK.

Make it so awkward they never comment on another woman's birth story ever again.
@tempy1 I really should have but I was just so blown away by his ignorance lol. I'm sorry your births were traumatic, I can't imagine how much fear you felt 💜
@vclr2010 I’m so THRILLED to hear the experts on labor delivery and general pregnancy are MEN! wow! I bet he googled pregnancy one time and landed on babycenter or slept in a holiday in last night/s