My intuition told me a man was a pervert. He was sentenced to 10 years for child porn

@jacnkat777 Yes. The changing room thing is a red flag, but literally everything else he mentioned has nothing to do with the result. And only furthers the bs a lot of us face when with our own kids or in professions revolving around kids.

He’s obviously still emotional about the situation and just dog piling into his “I fucking knew it” feelings, which is fine, we all do it time to time for whatever event we face. But using the confirmation bias to project a result is going to backfire eventually
@jacnkat777 I assume op wasn't calling friends and warning them to stay away from a guy very often. Now that is an assumption on my end. But op can chime in. Certainly you would remember if that happened more than once
@carolyng Ok, not for nothing, this is likely confirmation bias on your part. You probably feel this way about hundreds of people and your brain just kind of forgets about it. Then when someone gets newsworthy it triggers your brain and it recalls you thought this. Your hot rate is WAYYYY lower than 100%
@carolyng It's always the churchgoers. My hometown catholic priest did the same and all they did was relocate his ass. I hate this delusional society sometimes.
@carolyng Great save man! No grown ass man is going to be looking in a kids direction in the locker room.
I’m teaching my sons all about “I’m the boss of my body”. A lot of great content on YouTube about how to teach your kids boundaries and how to react if they are in a similar situation. Also, teaching them that the the little voice in their head and the physical reaction their bodies make in any situation is in fact their intuition. LEARN IN, TRUST IT and ACT ACCORDINGLY.

Good shit man. Protect your family. You and your wife are the strongest thing they know.

Why do we parents have to even worry about shit like this???

Pedophiles, school shootings/bullying. WTF

I wish it was like the movies in the 90’s where all we had to worry about was the making out with girls and smoking the reefer. lol dem we’re the days. Lol
@carolyng Why the hell do these people always get low sentences? They won't just "change" being in prison and miraculously not go back to their ways after they get out. These kinds of sick people just need to be put down like a dog man. No other way around it
@buglet I agree. The good news with this guy is he is 61, in jail to 66-71. But yes I would’ve loved to see a longer sentence.

I called another different family, to make sure she knew as this man slept in her house as a dog sitter, and she had 3 kids under 10. She was all telling me “I hope he gets rehabbed and gets better! He didn’t hurt any kids or my kids, he testified to it.” I completely went off on her. Her kids were around him, a LOT. Worry about your children and he can rot in jail.