When did your wife start to feel kicks?


New member
My wife is 18 weeks today with our first and nothing yet, not even slight fluttering. She does have an anterior placenta we've been told.

I know a lot don't feel anything until maybe 20 weeks plus but I do feel worried! Our next scan isn't got at least 2 or 3 more weeks, just hard waiting 8 weeks or so since our last time we saw the baby in there.
@davidspetri My wife will be at 19th weeks tomorrow and started feeling kicks this week, don’t stress out too much it might be coming very soon.

I empathize with the anxiety, waiting for doctor visits and scan has been nerve wracking here too. I hope your wife can feel the kicks soon!
@davidspetri Ours was around that 20 week mark. We went in for the Ultrasound and the nurse explained the kicks will just feel like gas bubbles, to which my wife said "oh thats what that was!". Now 30ish weeks, we feel him kick all the time.
@caleb543 Thanks!

My wife has been burping like crazy but don't think that's gas bubbles as she's been doing it from about 5 weeks!

Fingers crossed we'll feel the kicks soon.
@6mmbr To this point- where the kicks are located if they are subtle where only she feels them can tell you if it’s gas or a baby kick.

Baby kicks are patterned and go for a while. Gas and poo pass after one “kick” through where it’s lodged.

Gas is usually felt very high, and constipation will be on her sides because the intestine will have moved to the outside as the uterus pushes it outwards.

A kick felt in a pattern low left or low right, low dead center or mid tummy after 20 weeks could be baby. A kick to the outsides of her stomach is definitely poo. And upper can be a combo of gas and indigestion.

If her placenta covers the full front you’ll just be in a annoying situation where the kicks will be subtle throughout the pregnancy and baby will have to get pretty big before he or she can knock on that placenta hard enough for her to feel it and extra hard for you to feel it.
@davidspetri The first kicks I felt with my first was around 18w, but I didn't know it. For me, first movements feel like my stomach dropping (think roller coaster or feeling guilty). I didn't realize what it was till around 20 or 22 weeks. Everyone said it felt like butterflies or bubbles but that's not what it felt like for me!
@davidspetri Don’t even start to worry yet. I have an anterior placenta, felt some flutters maybe week 22 (not really sure, it is also my first) & only had a proper kick at week 25. And then it went back to basically nothing again for a while, till week 28 when the movement became really consistent.

It is her first and she does have an anterior placenta, it can really make it hard to feel movement.
@davidspetri It’s some evolution thing. I’m the most emotionally controlled person on the planet and when I had my baby I remember holding a damn mirror under her nose regularly to see if she was breathing. I was in the hospital a few weeks back and all the nurses said the same- even though they saw things all day long some part of you when it’s your baby flips a switch where you are constantly on guard looking for death.
@davidspetri We just had out 20 week scan yesterday, baby is perfectly fine. Mom has felt a flutter maybe once a week starting around 18 weeks. It's totally normal to not feel anything yet at this point, especially for first time moms who won't necessarily recognize the feeling even as it happens.

I would recommend against an at-home doppler, we couldn't find the heartbeat with it and it caused undue stress in the days leading up to the anatomy scan ultrasound.
@davidspetri We were very reassured when getting an ultrasound, that I could feel nothing at all even though baby was absolutely moving and grooving! It can take a while, especially for a first pregnancy, and it depends a lot on mom's body and other mysterious factors.

You can look into home dopplers to listen to the heartbeat at this stage if you want. Fair warning though, they can be tricky and depending on the people can give false panic or reassurance.
@davidspetri My wife also has an anterior placenta and it took until at least week 20 (up until like week 24) for her to even feel fluttering. We are almost 30 weeks now and with the anterior placenta I still sometimes struggle to feel a kick that she can if the baby does it right in that spot!
@davidspetri The wife also has an anterior placenta here; she basically felt no kicks or anything for a very long time. Even at 32w (currently) she doesn't feel much of anything. Sometimes his butt (we think) push up toward her right side rib cage and she feels that. But traditional "Oh I can feel him kicking" like in the movies? Never once.

Our most recent appointment was last week and the OB was basically "no big deal" about it. OB pulls out the ultrasound, we can see the little guy moving and grooving, OB says "Did you feel that?" to which the wife says "Feel what?". Apparently the OB could feel it outside and my wife noticed nothing.

Occasionally when he's really moving and grooving my wife and I can feel him from the outside... but it's like someone very lightly dragging their finger along a taut sheet. You have to focus to feel the movement, once you do, you're sure you felt it... but it's so very light.
@davidspetri Everything is fine

My wife is at 22 weeks, also with an anterior placenta. Still no kicks that we can feel. I work in medicine so I use the amplifier on my stethoscope and can here a bit that way, but even then it’s hard. Last scan shows she’s in the 90th percentile for size, that’s not a flex, but if I have a big healthy baby at 22 weeks and can barely hear with amplification, you’re probably doing ok at 18 with nothing

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