When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

@christiangirl94 Never knew I should be so I never have other than in my head. LO is 4 months tomorrow, but came 15 days early and was only 4lbs 15oz. But he’s consistently ate more than he “should” slept longer than was “normal”. I just try to remember if he’s pooped everyday. I’m not concerned about sleeping and eating because he loves both and tells me very clearly when he needs or wants it and also when he’s done lol.
@christiangirl94 Baby was back to birth weight before we left the hospital, so I just threw away that sheet they made us do in the hospital as soon as we got home and never worried about tracking again. Remembering everything is way easier to me than keeping a journal or updating an app every time I do anything. I feed on demand, so I'm not going to track all those clusterfeeds. I don't really see the need to track feeds anyway. Tracking diapers, I could see the importance of doing, but I just noted if there was pee in the diaper every time I changed him and then went about my day. Baby mostly keeps to his schedule for sleep, but if he doesn't, I just track wake windows from the last time he was asleep. Before he was on a schedule, I just monitored wake windows. It's alot of looking at the clock, i guess. Idk tracking seems like wayyy more unnecessary stress to me. But I am not a type A personality lol
@christiangirl94 My son is almost 2 and I still track his diapers and sleep 😂

It helps reminds me if he pooped for the day or not and the last time I changed him

It also helps me figure out if he needs to go to bed early from a short nap or not
@christiangirl94 She’s 4 months and we just stopped tracking diapers now that she’s in daycare. They let us know how many she has per day and tell us when they’re wet or dirty. Did she have lots of wet diapers today? Did she poop? That’s all we need to know now.

We still track food. It’s good to see if she’s eating enough.

No sleep tracking because she’s been sleeping through the night for a month but takes 30 min naps…if we tracked sleep I’d be losing my mind. “Hey your kid needs to nap longer.” Yeah I know.

Edit: will continue tracking food when we introduce solids for allergies, reactions, etc.
@christiangirl94 At 4 months we're still tracking. My memory is awful, so I need it to remember when she last ate or pooped. I find it comforting, otherwise I'd feel lost. We're also data people, I love looking at the charts and seeing patterns. Keep in mind: I had GD this pregnancy and created a Google Form to enter my glucose readings. This was linked to a spreadsheet where it was combined with my carb count data, cleaned, and visualized in a few charts and tables with basic summary stats...no one enjoyed it as much as I did.
@christiangirl94 I stopped tracking nappies pretty quickly but I still tracked milk for about 4 months since my sons feeding pattern was pretty erratic. Stopped tracking sleep at 6 months because it was absolutely meaningless and was just causing me stress. If I have another baby I’ll probably avoid it all together.
@christiangirl94 my spouse and i track feedings, diaper changes, and a couple other random things like baths, teeth brushing, and medication. we have since our daughter was born and shes 9m old now. we both have poor memories and her cries arent always obvious for what she wants so it helps us remember, like, the last time the baby pooped if it feels like its been a while or how long its been since she ate since she consistently wants another bottle after about 4-4.5hrs unless shes been sleeping (then she goes longer without). it especially helps with night feedings. there are times when she'll wake up for a bottle around, say, 5am and will go back to sleep for another 5 hrs or so but there are times she'll wake up after 2 hrs and we know shes yelling bcs she wants out of her crib, not bcs shes hungry.
@christiangirl94 I went into labor sleep deprived and was a total mess that first month, month and a half or so. The soiled diapers questions my pediatrician asked me were usually answered with, " uh, I think [x] but honestly, I don't know. I'm just trying to stay awake." I honestly tried using an app, but I just sucked at tracking. Kiddo was doing fine other than some feeding issues (breastfeeding just couldn't work for us).

So yeah, no tracking on my end. Hoping to this next round, but let's be real, I may just start counting diapers in the pail before every doc visit lol!
@christiangirl94 We tracked feeds (breastfed) and diapers from the get-go, added sleep after the first month. We had weight gain issues at the beginning, so tracking was useful for me. And then at 7 months we dropped everything but sleep.

13 months and I still track her sleep, but I like tracking and numbers and I do it for fun. When the numbers become an obsession, I understand why some people don't track.
@christiangirl94 I found the nursing data to be super useful for weaning (it makes it super easy to just nurse a little bit less over time). So I obsessively tracked every nursing session through 13 months. Everything else kind of came along for the ride since I was using the app anyway, but I stopped those as soon as I was done nursing too.
@christiangirl94 I got a journal for tracking this stuff from my birth clinic and it went up to approx 6 months so I did until then. I stopped about a week early because she chewed up the last couple pages lol. It’s kinda chill not having to track that stuff anymore though.
@christiangirl94 I'm barely at 3 months and stopped tracking everything but feedings pretty early on.

I had no idea about wake windows for way too long, so I didn't know that I was supposed to track sleep when I got into the habit of tracking via an app, and by now I mostly remember when she last woke up anyways.

Poops and pees I got a feel for pretty quickly and she's always done plenty of those, so I didn't track those for long either.

Weight gain she's struggled with until recently because she's been growing really fast, so that one I have been tracking fairly diligently until recently. Lately I don't bother keeping track of night feeds anymore though. She eats frequently and at a pretty steady rhythm anyways. I mostly just use it to keep track of how long she eats for and which side she nursed on last. That's something that I do still struggle to keep track of at times.