When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

@christiangirl94 I'm still tracking but he's only 14 weeks old. I don't plan to go for more than a year so we won't have to pay for another year of the subscription. I anticipate we'll track less or stop tracking all together once he starts daycare around 6 months old.
@christiangirl94 Honestly almost immediately. Shes only 8 days old. The only thing i really pay attention to is how long she sleeps so that i can wake her to feed. I feed her on demand, which I'm getting familiar with her hungry cues so i can usually tell when shes hungry. But sometimes she'll be asleep still when the 4 hour mark approaches and i make sure not to go over the 4 hour mark before her last feed
@christiangirl94 What if I’m still tracking at 2 months and don’t know when I’ll stop? Which poll option is that? 🙈

I started tracking on day 1 and stopped after a couple of weeks because I felt it’s giving me anxiety and kinda disrupts my connection with baby to always have my phone next to me and track every little thing. I started again after baby turned 2 months old, mainly because I’m pretty sure he isn’t sleeping enough hours in the day and I just want to adjust his sleep schedule and get some data.
@christiangirl94 I still track feeds, but gave up diapers literally two days after we were out of hospital. He was making enough dirty ones, and my pediatrician advised that I don’t make myself crazy by recording every little thing and instead make note of abnormal activity.

I never tracked sleep.
@christiangirl94 Erm, we tracked until 15 months… I don’t know why we kept at it so long, but it just became habit. I also had to exclusively pump while breastfeeding, so I was tracking all I pumped and stored anyways. It was really interesting to look at the data and be able to follow her patterns though. It really helped me realize when she was trying to drop down to one nap (really early).
@christiangirl94 I'm still tracking at 5.5 months. I track sleep, feeds, poop diapers. Sleep is the big thing we're working on now, so I want to see how he's doing over time. Feeds, just because I always forget what side he had last but I've considered stopping this. And poop because I just want to know how long it's been since he pooped. Sometimes he doesn't poop everyday.

I love being able to see things changing as he grows and changes. It's been pretty helpful to see patterns over time.
@christiangirl94 My babe is only 7 weeks but I only track feedings. I breastfeed & want to keep track of what side I feed on and for how long. I use an app called Huckleberry

Edited to add that I stopped tracking diapers after like 2 weeks bc it was Too much and he poops multiple times each wake window
@christiangirl94 I chose after 3 months because it's kinda a complicated question. We tracked everything (poos, pees, amount I'm pumping, amount he's eating out of bottle, how long he's on each breast) until his week appointment when he was back at birth weight. Then we only tracked feedings. Then about at a month we stopped tracking how much he was eating because he was pretty consistent. After that we only tracked how much he was eating for a week before each doctor appointment because we had no idea and wanted to make sure I could tell the doctor when he asked. Turns out he's right on track. He's 7 months now and growing like a weed! I probably won't track again until a week before his 9 month appointment.

Oh, I also tracked our activities for two days before my mom was going to watch him for 7 hours for three days, just to give her a bit of an idea of what to do. I only did that because tired me didn't know if we had a routine... turns out we kinda do.
@christiangirl94 I don’t track diapers but I still track the feedings and sleep. I have a nanny that watches her and my in laws watch her on other days so it’s helpful for me to know when they last fed her or when she slept so when I take over after I know when to feed or when to put her down.
@christiangirl94 Feedings until 3-4 months. Sleep we are still tracking at 7.5 months and probably will until she transitions to 2 naps completely. Wet and soiled diapers only until 3 weeks or so
@christiangirl94 I couldn't keep up with it! We did it till we got the okay to not do it and not past that. I will say if I notice something seems off and I notice I am, say, changing less diapers or seeing less poop I will check with my husband to see if he's noticed the same and if he has we track to confirm or refute. I do the same if I notice baby is eating more/less, faster/slower, etc. Obviously there are real merits to tracking, I'm just not organized enough 24/7! Kudos to those who are, I bet it's super useful for identifying variations much faster.
@christiangirl94 Ours was a phased out approach. First we stopped tracking pee diapers after like 2 months. Then I added in solids at 5 months. Then it got too much so I stopped solids and breastfeeding tracking at 8 months. I also stopped tracking poos at like 7 months. Now it's just sleep only and that's working well.