When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

@mihitt I just checked our tracker and it looks like we started tracking at about 2 months old.

That was when we started needing to pay attention to how long she'd been awake before helping her fall asleep again. Before that, she'd just go to sleep whenever and wherever if she was tired.
@jesustheonlyway1990 We started around 1.5 to 2 months as well for sleep. Same with you before that - she was just asleep too often to make it worthwhile.

We find it really useful just to know how long she’s slept and when she last slept. We don’t particularly abide by wake windows but it lets us know if she’s cranky and been awake over an hour and a half it’s probably because she’s tired.

We still track nappies because there have been periods we’ve been a few days without a dirty one and it’s good to know.
@mihitt Our little girl is 6 weeks old too (as of Saturday) and I just started tracking her sleep yesterday. Not sure if it’s the right time but I did notice her going down well for the naps.
@christiangirl94 We dropped diaper tracking way too late (like 6 months old), but my husband and I split all baby duties so it’s really easy for one of us to open the baby app to see when she woke up or when she had a bottle last. And I’m so forgetful without writing things down (why is she crying? Did I even feed her today?? Or was that yesterday?).
@crash33 We use Baby Tracker on iOS. Also free and syncs between phones. Allows you to do sleep, nappies (with split of type), feeding (breast, formula or expressed), and pumping.
@crash33 My husband and I use 'nara baby' it is free, user friendly, and syncs to multiple phones. Often I will out the baby down for a nap and my husband will get her up or vice versa. This app allows one person to start the timer and the other to end it. Highly recommend it if you are looking to track.
@mateovolta Thank you, I appreciate it! I had no idea they made apps like that. Also FTM due in March and didn't realize how much tracking (or not) needed to be done!
@crash33 I don't think tracking is a necessity for everyone. My personality type is a bit controlling (type A) at baseline and I have been experiencing PPA so my controlling nature is on steroids. (I am getting support with this and it's much better). However, that combined with minimal sleep meant I was forgetting what time I last fed my daughter. We were told to feed her every two hours at first because she was not gaining weight. And the tracking just offered me a little peace of mind. Others likely find it to be an additional stress. Find what works best for you ☺️
@christiangirl94 Nice to see I’m not alone at 7+ months lol. I just cannot remember when she woke up, ate, etc. it’s too much for my mom brain. So I’ll probably track til she’s off formula then stop.
@christiangirl94 8mos, still tracking, honestly because we love data. Plan on tracking at least the first year and then putting it all together somehow. It's also super helpful that we can just open the app and see where we're at with wake windows/feedings.
@christiangirl94 Tracking for me has been a game changer. It helped me see patterns I didn’t notice and somewhat know what to expect. Granted my girl is 6 weeks so I know it could change, but day to day the majority is the same. The amount of times as well that I’ve thought “I don’t know what’s wrong with her!” Only to look at huckleberry and feel stupid because it’s been 3 hours since she ate even though it felt like 30 minutes ago.

But also - i think if it gives someone anxiety… DELETE!!! I feel calmed by data and recording and knowing I can use it as a tool when I don’t know what’s going on but that’s not the same for everyone
@christiangirl94 I only track sleep. I just kind of go with the flow for the rest. I'll always have it in the back of my mind, of course "oh, he hasn't pooped since yesterday" or something similar but I don't keep that data anywhere