When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

@christiangirl94 I only tracked for a couple weeks because we struggled with nursing and weight loss for baby. As soon as it was on track I stopped - I found it was too stressful. Once feedings etc were established I stopped
@christiangirl94 I'm at 20 months still tracking out of habit now, and interest to see when she nurses more and also cause I know if I stop I'll start forgetting which breast she nurses on last and end up lopsided lmao
@christiangirl94 I'm still tracking feeds. He has his 4-month appointment on Friday and I think I'm going to stop after that. He's only in the 5th percentile for weight and that's the only reason I'm still tracking. I have ADHD and it's really hard for me to remember when I last fed him.
@christiangirl94 I used Huckleberry for maybe the first month. It was helpful for remembering time between feeds, nappy changes etc. in that blurry few weeks where time isn't real and you are sleep deprived.

Once we got into the swing of things though I found it was actually getting stressful, so I stopped. LO is 3 months and it's so much better just focusing on her care and needs than worrying about recording it too.
@christiangirl94 I only ever track sleep/wake windows and when she feeds. Because I don't like having to do baby math and I got super annoyed that everyone would ask me, including dad. We have the babyt daybook app so he can see just as well as I can when she woke up and when she needs to eat next.

I'll probably start keeping track of poop diapers since we're starting solids soon and we already know she has dairy and soy allergies. But I haven't really tracked Diapers unless I had a concern.

I just hate having to remember everything. If it's the app, I just have to look.
@christiangirl94 For us, the huckleberry app is useful to save asking each other questions about when we last did XYZ. Plus in the first few months, time is a blur and it’s hard to really know how long it’s been since ABC happened. Our son just turned 1 year old and we’ve really slowed down on the tracking, but haven’t totally given it up yet.
@christiangirl94 I've tracked feedings and diaper changes since her firstly pediatrician appointment when they asked me how many wet diapers she had daily and I kind of just scratched my head lol

It has become so routine now I use a tracking app that's very user friendly and if her pediatrician wants to know how many minutes she fed on July 15th...well I'd say hang on let me check 😏
@christiangirl94 I stopped tracking after 3-4 months. It was really helpful for me/us to track to try and find some semblance of a pattern to the day (spoiler alert: there wasn't really any), but we stopped after starting daycare (~4 months). Half because daycare has its own tracking app and half because I was finally able to mentally release myself from his daily schedule.
@christiangirl94 I said never tracked. What I mean is never formally tracked. All I did was make sure it seemed normal. I probably would have started tracking if he had few dirty diapers or fed infrequently.
@christiangirl94 At 13 months, I am still tracking everything (sleep, bottles/solids, diapers, pumping time/output, med if any, and growth). We had feeding issues at the beginning and my little one is in the lower percentiles so I got used to tracking and haven’t stopped. Seeing the data helps me remember that I don’t have to worry and she’s totally healthy, just small and tall 😊
@christiangirl94 We stopped tracking diapers around 4-6 weeks. We never tracked sleep. once baby was consistently on a good growth curve, which for us wasn't until closer to 8-10 weeks, we stopped tracking breastfeeding as well (we also switched to bottles and pumping around this time do it was easier to know how much and when she was eating).
@christiangirl94 8 month old. We track sleep and because we're introducing solids, I am also tracking food for allergy awareness. Although we've been doing food for a while now and no sign of any allergies, so probably safe to drop that too.
@christiangirl94 My baby is 7 weeks old. We still track feedings and poops. We stopped doing wet diapers because she's consistent with at least once after every feeding. We only still do feedings because she had lost too much weight in the beginning, but once the pediatrician is happy with her weight then we'll probably stop.
@christiangirl94 It varies, mine is 3 months old now. I never used to track naps, but after 2 months I started because it helps me plan my day.
I still track poos but stopped tacking wet nappies after a week, maybe 2.
Feeds I still track but only roughly now, he is bottle fed and my husband does feeds too.
@christiangirl94 I can’t remember tbh I said after 6mo. At some point I got very lax with it, especially sleep and diapers. I think I tracked milk the longest and I probably did to until she was close to a year but everything else I stopped tracking well before that
@christiangirl94 The poll doesn't have an option for this but we stopped tracking nursing and diapers around week 5. We were confident at that point that she was eating lots and gaining well. We didn't track her sleep from the beginning but I just started to about a week ago because I wanted to see if I could pick up on any patterns.
@christiangirl94 My babies are 3 months, but 1 month adjusted. Still tracking wet/poopy diapers & feedings. Still probably maintain it for a while because having 2 it's hard to keep everything straight