When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

@christiangirl94 My baby’s only two months old. We started tracking from the beginning, she was tiny when born, but actually only ever lost 1 oz of her birth weight. But we continued to track because it’s easier to look on the app and see when she was last fed/ diaper change of my husband was the last to do so. I have wanted to stop logging her diapers, but I’m paranoid about if her poop schedule changes because right now it’s once a day. And if not, she is not a happy camper. I’m having to give meds this past week for thrush, so I have been tracking that too. I like being able to look at the graph at the end of the day mostly regarding how much she is eating. I’ll probably track until she is completely on solid food, so I still have a ways to go lol.
@christiangirl94 I stopped around the 2 month mark? I was diagnosed with PPD and medicated at 4 weeks. It took about 4 weeks after that to feel functional. Once I felt functional, I stopped tracking.

Definitely a good choice for myself but I understand why people do track.
@christiangirl94 Only tracked wet/soiled diapers until he was eating okay (around 2 1/2 weeks).

Tracked nursing sessions/oz for 3 months, but only bc he went from not eating to wanting to eat constantly and we were trying to keep him around 4 oz every 3 hours (so around 32 oz/day, but he was averaging 32-38).

Track sleep duration on and off still at 18 months. We have a Nanit, so if he's getting up early a lot of days in a row we'll go back and look at his sleep hours and see if we should try and tweak things a little. But it isn't as active of a tracking as when he was little.
@christiangirl94 I said still tracking, but I only track poops and feeds.

She used to go on week long poop strikes, so I'm just keeping an eye on it just in case. That hasn't really been an issue since we started solids about a month ago, so I may stop tracking them soon lol

Keeping track of feeds just helps me remember which boob she had last. I didn't want to have to fiddle with any pins or bracelets or anything and my phone seemed like the most convenient option. It is also kind of interesting to see her feeding patterns change over time.
@christiangirl94 I track diapers and feed, diapers just because I change before feeds so if I forget to clock the feed I can remember the approximate time. Gave up on sleep tracking in the first week he only takes 2 30min naps during the day.
@christiangirl94 I stopped tracking everything when the app I was using crashed and i lost all the data. (About 3 weeks pp.) It was a wake up call that I didn’t need it anymore and a huge relief. From that point on I just listen to my instincts and stay in tune with my baby’s cues.
@christiangirl94 Shortly after LO got over his jaundice, so within the first month. I voted “after they were back up to birth weight” on your survey, although it was a bit after that.

He’s 8 months now and I’m still tracking his weight almost every Sunday (just for fun) and still mentally keep track of things like sleep and soiled diapers. For instance, if I go a full day without seeing a soiled diaper, I’ll ask my wife when the last time she noticed a soiled diaper was, and then I’ll keep a careful eye out to see if he goes “too long.” He usually ends up pooping by the end of that second day, but it gives me one more thing to obsess over, ha.
@christiangirl94 I just track loosely in my head to make sure I am aware of wake windows. My guy would never let me go three hours without feeding him so I don't worry about that at all. The home nurse that I saw after he was born said to just pay attention to diapers at feeds and it is only an issue if he has two dry diapers in a row in terms of pee, and I can count a certain numbers of poops... I stopped worrying about counting poops a long time ago because my baby typically poops every time he eats so he has way more than the minimum number of poopy diapers!
@christiangirl94 I never tracked diapers unless my son was sick and I wanted to make sure I was keeping track for hydration.

Nursing sessions I stopped at 8 months. And sleep duration I stopped just before 12 months.
@christiangirl94 my little one is 6 weeks and I’m forgetful so we track feeds and diaper changes just in case I forget not sure when we will stop as of right now. Hopefully soon. I don’t see it as too time consuming as I am typically already on my phone.
@christiangirl94 I’m the main caregiver, so I don’t track anything anymore. We tracked it all (well, the nurses did) during my son’s two-weekNICU stay.

The only thing we still track is feedings because my son has PKU and we have to keep track of his protein intake. He has two different kinds of formula he has to have at certain times in certain amounts. This will be a lifelong thing, so we’re staying on top of it.