When the fuck did you all stop sweating?

@tehama You left off what OP said next

i wouldn't say

So rephrased it might read, “In the past these words were common but now (thankfully) they are considered truly offensive. Though I don’t know why I even mention these words because the are not part of my vocabulary anyways”.
@glenwoodinncc I didn't! Sure, I toned it down. But stop completely? Why? So that my kid won't learn the words that he's gonna learn in the schoolyard anyway?

I've said it before on this sub, but to me, context is key. I do ask my kid not to swear. However, if he does in a general way ("aw shit", "what the fuck", etc...), I'll simply tell him to watch his language, because I'm trying to teach him that there will be times in life where you cannot use that language. However, if he were to use that kind of language in a disrespectful way ("I don't give a fuck", or "fuck you"), that's immediate grounding.
@glenwoodinncc My kids swear, and I kinda let them because it's funny. I also don't support it and they have learned mostly when they can and cannot. Mainly at home. But if it's in public I just speak to them like adults, remind them it's bad words and they stop. They are 4,4,3.
@glenwoodinncc My dad was helping me with some plumbing while there was a hole in the bathroom floor. Whacked his thumb and said “mother fucker!”. Youngest was upstairs and heard it.

Guess what the phrase of the week was after that?

Shit happens.
@glenwoodinncc I’ve always had two vocabularies. I don’t curse at work so I just started using those polite words at home.

20 years later it comes full circle and we all cuss around each other!!! It’s pretty cool!!!
@glenwoodinncc Late October, it finally got cool enough that I wasn't too hot outside. I did make the mistake of adding an extra layer for Halloween, and I was sweating bullets in my costume. The 0°C mornings this week have been refreshing, but we also keep the heat at home pretty high because my kid doesn't like to have blankets or clothes on most of the time, so I tend to sweat when I'm getting ready to go out.
@glenwoodinncc We cuss all the time. 6 y/o knows they are words for adults, that it’s not appropriate to say in public and she can chose to say them or not when she’s an adult. One time she got a good surprise and said “I’m so fucking excited” we had a good laugh and calmly explained why she should say it. She don’t use slurs and even though I listen to rap I try not to play it around her
@glenwoodinncc We all talk the way we want in my house. The real trick is to allow anything to be said while teaching that all language is not acceptable in all situations.

Racial slurs are the only super taboo words, but we don't use them anyway and haven't heard them from other sources so far
@glenwoodinncc We swear a lot. We try to do better at the ages our kids are at soley because their irrational parrots who can't be seriously reasoned with about proper useage.

But as they get older (3 is the oldest right now) I'll have no problem swearing my usual amount, letting them listen to uncensored music, watching profanity laced films, etc.

The hate words alluded to, on the other hand, are not in our normal usage. That said, when the kids are, again, a little older, we will talk about what they mean and why they shouldn't be used.
@glenwoodinncc I stopped when we thought she said fuck at 2. Turned out it was fox, but it's hard to explain to a 2 year old when certain words are ok and have them also actually follow that.

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