What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

@sensistar Haha it was totally a joke. I really do hate when people say that in front of the kids. But if I had to choose let’s just say I wouldn’t have a hard time….
@schawinga At airport check in the woman at the desk checked my kids’ passports several times and kept looking at them and trying to figure it out and then finally this occurred.

Check-in desk: “I think something’s wrong, they have the same birthday”

Me: “Oh no that’s right, they’re twins”

check in desk: “Omg that’s so cool, same birthday and everything”

looks between my wife and I back and forth

“are you two also twins?”

I’ll clarify we are a same sex couple but we look NOTHING alike. Think one freckled blonde and one clearly mediterranean. She was just so stunned by twins that life lost all meaning for a moment.
@schawinga Random man "Are they twins?"
"REAL ones?"
so I replied "no they're fake" and he just stared.

Not dumbest, but most horrible, a random padder by said "Oh, you must have done something really bad in a past life" I was so taken aback I had nothing to say
@javapop Thé frustrating part for us is that in French you can call identical twins « vrai jumeaux » which translates to « real », and our triplets are identical. So we often get asked if they are « real » but it is kinda acceptable because of the language. I still want to clap back though lol
@schawinga Still pregnant but at 34 + 6 I can’t wait to stop hearing “So WhEn WiLl YoU dElIvEr?!?!” Everybody keeps interrogating me after every doctor’s appt and I’m like 1) I’m not full term yet 2) I have zero complications. Why would I be induced/schedule a c section already? We’re all healthy and my doctors are going to let me keep being pregnant until 37 if it’s safe for all involved.
@lourde One of my favourite parts was during pregnancy, watching people ask when I'm due and then the horror on their face when I said months and not weeks remaining.

My other favourites from pregnancy were security guards following me through stores in case I went into labour (I was huffing and puffing with my son's head up in my ribs). Or people saying I was huge "are you sure it's not twins?" "Oh yeah it is" "but you're so tiny!" Um make up your mind am I tiny or huge?
@heathercc7774 I remember every look of horror I encountered when I was pregnant. I was disappointed that they were thinking I was huge and also amused that they looked embarrassed after I said "it's twins."
@lourde Everybody told me I was going to have preemies, nicu-stay and a c-section. Every day from the moment I told people it was twins.

I ended up with none of that! And I realize I was very lucky but I just hated that everybody kept stressing me out about what complications would happen to me or how my birth HAD to be. I just wanted to take it as it came
@schawinga “Omg! There’s two!” Like no shit. I was there when they were born. Or when people ask “did you naturally conceive twins?” And my husband says “No, we were drunk. So stay away from whiskey and Coke” 😂