What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

@schawinga We have a pseudo-multiples thing going on in my house. Older two are both adopted, and five weeks apart in age. Apart from skin color, they look NOTHING like each other, and never have. When they were little especially, we got the dumbest (and terribly inappropriate) comments.

Them: Are they twins?
Me: No, they are 5 weeks apart in age.
Them: Are they biological brothers?
Me: I’m just going to let you think about that for a minute.

Them: Are they twins?
Me: No, they aren’t biologically related.
Them: Are you sure they aren’t identical?

I learned quickly not to try to explain.
@ilikechocolateandstuff Oh I got this a lot as a kid. I went from an only child to the eldest of three in under a year. Mum had one kid, 2 months later my stepmum had the other. Any time we had a family tree project we had to list our siblings in age order and then I would have to explain no they weren't twins where one was premmie and one was term, they were both term and aren't related to each other, just to me.
@schawinga After finding out mine were both boys, someone once told me their daughter has "a million dollar family, boy/girl twins". Cool lady, so what's my family worth? Half a mil? Less? That one made me kinda mad.
@schawinga Asking which one is the “good twin” or which one is the “bad one.” This has happened to us multiple times. And these people ask this with my girls standing RIGHT THERE!

If anyone has a good response to this, I am all ears, because every time it happens I am so dumbfounded that they think that it’s ok to ask something like that, I can’t come up with anything other than “ummm, neither…”
@qurban Response options:

Did you mean to ask that out loud?

What an odd thing to say.

What do you mean by that? You think one of my kids isn’t a good kid? (Feign lots of hurt ignorance)

I hope that’s not something you ask other twin parents! If so, you’re lucky I’m here to tell you that some parents will lose their minds on you because of how rude that question is.
@qurban This question, or ANY comparison question, i.e. “which one is the better blah blah,” sends me into a RAGE…I will outright say they are different people who are good at different things. People are so rude.
@schawinga Multiple months before I even gave birth (at 38 weeks, thank you very much) I had a cashier at the dollar tree go "omg, triplets?!" And I said "no, it's twins." "Well you're huge!" Like... Uh... Thanks, that's so kind 🙄
@schawinga Some boomer cashier at Kohls asked if they were twins, I said yes. She told me she had two kids 18 months apart, and she thinks twins would probably have been easier.

@schawinga When the nurse in the pediatricians office took down the names and age of the first set, made a comment about them being boy and girl twins and then asked if they were ID.
@schawinga Had someone obsessing over twins repeat to me over and over how it’s always been her dream. I laughed it off and kinda warned her “be careful what you wish for cus twins are hard. Not just the babies but the pregnancy too.” Her response? “Oh, I don’t mind getting a big belly for twins.” Had to walk away and cool off after that one 🙃

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