What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

@nathann That is so funny. I've never had anyone say that to me, but I've had TONS of people give me appalled looks when mine are laying on the floor having a meltdown while the other is getting into my purse looking for snacks and no one is helping but they're all watching as I'm sweating and panicking, then when I finally get collected there's a dad with one kid and I'm like "lol lucky guy, only got one!" clearly joking, and I swear the oxygen gets depleted by all the petrified gasps of people who are kind enough to stand by and judge but not lend a hand 🤷‍♀️
@stalbansmick Unfortunately nothing stops this question. As their mother, I confuse mine all the time. They look soooooo identical.

Them: Are they identical?

Me: Yes.

Them: They look exactly alike!
@nathann People asking if fraternal twins run on dads side. And I’m like well no, cause fraternal twins come from the moms ovaries releasing two eggs so it was me. And they’re like, well it still could’ve been from his family. Like his genetics just don’t tell my ovaries what to do.
@missingfaith Funny story, I know multiple people this happened to.

First case. My wife’s step sisters were surprise twins. Prior to ultrasounds it was just x-Ray. Surprise! Obviously different times/technology.

Second case: car dealership finance manager was telling me she had a friend with twins. Who then got pregnant again with twins. During labor after the second came out she told the doctor she felt like she still had to push. There was a third!! It was hiding behind one and missed on every ultrasound AND it’s heartbeat was synchronized with one of the others so they never heard it!

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